
You realize most of the people that would be seeking abortion and not able to get one are probably not pro-life assholes that voted for conservatives, right?  GTFO with this take.  your second statement completely negates the first and makes you look like an asshole.

not that I think this movie is worth a damn, but you seem to be forgetting that in the novella, He Who Walks Behind the Rows was most certainly real, there was no ambiguity about it.

You don't have to post every bullshit thing that enters your head

The point....

You're giving her intelligence she doesn't possess

the telephone requires you to focus on just that call and makes you abandon what you’re doing for the length of the call. for a call with someone you haven’t seen in ages, that’s no big deal, but the average call, I keep thinking about the things I have to do that I just had to put on hold, so I usually am looking to

Ebola impacted a whopping 11 people in the US and 2 people died.  Ebola was a nothingburger.  If this kills 1% of its victims, and half the country gets it...you do the math.  btw, love your insinuation that immunocompromised and old people don’t matter.

Lots of people bitched about torture porn movies. Have you been outside before?

Lol Burton didn't give a shit about Batman's code, moron. After his pulpy start in the 30s, it was well-established in the comics that Batman didn't kill. He didn't even kill in Frank Miller's books

Lol guessing u never seen European soccer riots

Buncha people ITT really clueless on what "hooliganism" is but w/e

Good post bruh. Real sick burn.

How is this hooliganism? There is zero violence

You're a dumb bitch

You're not a smart person, are ye?

You can't read, can you?

So why doesn't the actual Thailand squad seem to give a quarter of the shit that you do, ya moron?

You're an idiot and should feel bad

Get called out by a handful of people, none of whom were the team in question who were supposed to be offended, you mean?

Whoosh. Re-read the sentence again and see where your reading comprehension failed.