
they “couldn’t” (they could have) cast an Asian actor because of china. China only allows so many foreign films into their market a year and those films almost always do phenomenal (seriously, our money is pocket change compared what hollywood can gleam from china). So the competition to get in their good graces and

i had a similar realization (that i really no longer cared) shortly after terminus. That whole storyline was so rushed and pointless. I was all excited about Tasha Yar showing up and that was a non-issue. She barely registered above a featured extra (i mean i know her career tanked, but jeez). That wasn’t what

huh and we’re already getting that with Humans and Westworld. Looks like a few writers could see where the trend might go next. I also wonder if we’re going to see people drawn to more saccharine/uplifting stories simply because they can’t take the constant barrage of fear, violence and anger. I’m not saying we’re

yes, they do this with chip they put in your head at birth lol!

only if you have a rating’s box attached to your tv OR you’re participating in their tv journal program and you actually take the time to write the TV program down in the journal you send back. I’ve done the journal thing 3 times and while fun, i’m still fairly certain they just toss that shit aside in favor of the

woke up this morning to 3 different posts on my facebook from my more conservative family members crowing about how the FBI was investigating clinton again.

Oh god, I think I lived down the hall from you lol. I lent my copy to a girl down my hall, she played it so much that when she tried to give it back, I told her to keep it

I know this is going to sound like I am the common denominator here and thus it’s clearly all my fault but I swear the 6 roommates I had in 4 years of college were all just examples of shit luck.

It would be interesting to see it used more than once. Here’s how it was when you were a carefree young teen... And now here you go again, just as you were trying to get your life started. Studying for SAT, ha! Go get that diaper, kiddo.

I thought the doll records such behavior and you fail. Not that such kids would give a shit

Some folks get them simply from working shitty jobs where you sit all day, it’s even more awesome when you have that job and you’re pregnant, or so I’ve been told

It’s almost like training kids how to raise kids without the caveats of things like, swollen feet, sore breasts, as you said, hemroids, and from what I understand is the horror of having your first bowel movent post birth, leads them to the idea that having a kid is no big deal. They need to find a way to toss in sick

I totally get it. After 10 years of working as an adjunct, a small college (one that I had done adjuncting for) picked me up fulltime. I worked there fulltime for a year and a half and it was great. Our president seemed like a great guy, the administration spoke so positively about growth...and then boom, last october

Don’t worry it’s gets past a lot of people, especially these days. I think i was in my early 20s when it dawned on me, despite singing it tons of times in my childhood of the late 80s. My mother happened to tell me the story of how she found out she was pregnant ((quick rundown, grandma was sick in hospital, my mom

I live in NY state, in a very humid, but also cold part of the state. The v last time I checked the CDC website (which, gang we really should do vs let small summaries in the news freak us out) they said that ny was too cold to foster the breed of mosquito that carries this virus, buy the conceded that nyc is a

you’re going to NYC? Last I knew (NY) state doesn’t have the weather for the particular mosquito that carries Zika, but they change their info on a daily basis. Granted nyc is warmer than the rest of our state most of the time, and we have more tourists there, so the sexually transmitted version could easily happen

THIS. This is why i can’t even watch the damn show anymore. She’s the absolute worst designer ever. #1 rule when remodeling is to have a contingency fund and be ready to have to downgrade if god forbid something horrible is discovered (opening your walls is a terrifying thing). But again and again she shows how

For YEARS i’ve been saying, why would anyone hire these assholes. All they do is bicker (to the point where i’m uncomfortable and feel like i’m hanging out at my childhood friend’s house with her bickering bitchy parents who are somehow still angrily married to each other *shudder*). And why would anyone hire this

more like end of january early feb and again in september.

February and march are usually the months where films that studios do not have confidence in, get placed. Constantine was released during that time frame, and that was simply because they didn’t think it could compete with summer blockbusters (probably quite true). My guess is that they did this in the hopes of