
what the photoshop hell is going on with her face? Also check out his waistline...???

do they do anything with hulu and netflix? Those companies must have their own way of collecting data, right? The majority of my friends have left cable behind for the internet and I can’t help but think this is going to become more of the rule and less “the exception” in another 20 years. Seems to me that ratings

we have been a neilson house 4 times (with the booklets not something that plugs into the tv). Each time they were happy to have us because we specically told them that we watched tv via hulu, netflix and such. But every time we got the booklets there was no clear way to designate how you were watching your shows, so

hmm. I prefer my jesus carved in butter

well, clearly i’m old because i have no idea who this guy is and when i heard the name “The game” i thought, “wait, what has triple H done on instagram and why would anyone care these days?”

that just made me laugh out loud. lol

This is awesome, but i’m not sure how it would work for anyone that isn’t part of a major corporation. Clearly this model isn’t going to fly for the local small town print shop. They’ll need a worker to fill in and they’ll then be paying BOTH people?? Having worked in a tiny local business, i can’t even imagine how

i like the idea of a light here, but the logo? Yeah, this is about as cool as wearing all of your college’s t-shirts, hats, sweaters, logo clothing at once...while on campus.

honestly, it’s ridiculously rich, but kind of cool as hell. No more umbrellas getting stomped on on the backseat floor and crushed under groceries in the back trunk.

having worked in a college setting and met a number of the coaches (who are often very young) and their wives, I’m not surprised at such a concept. I could totally see our soccer coach doing this (or rather his wife). The guy is a total control freak nutjob who needs to remember that we’re a D3 school.

I’m with you. If and when i ever have a kid, 3 months is going to be my limit. I love children, but i also like getting paid and feeling like I have something to do outside of my home each day. It helps me appreciate my downtime with my loved ones (currently my husband and dog) much more. I imagine if i have a kid,

It’s also a logical Fallacy. The author (who don’t get me wrong, my heart absolutely breaks for them) falls into the trappings of False Cause (as we have no idea that dropping that child off at the daycare was indeed why it died. This could have happened at her home with her, which honestly i’m not sure which would

Exactly. The second we make kids something that only the super rich or the destitute (who would survive on public assistance, and stay home) can “afford” to do, is the second our country loses it’s entire middle class. We need to stop looking at kids as luxuries and look at them as what they are, future citizens and

Who had them adapt this? All of the sorrow, soul and longing is gone from this rendition. I don’t blame the singer, she’s young but has a good voice...but yikes, this rendition is horrific. Also I smirked at the switch from dick to lips, not that I was surprised. Curious as to what they’d switch Mr. Jones out to.

i loved the hell out of this guy’s show when i was a kid. It really did improve my aunt’s art (she was one of my babysitters and would have this on all the time).

holy shit! I never would have recognized him. But to be fair, Oldman is as well:

ok, over all i’m not into this ridiculous man bun thing that’s going on, but i could overlook this for Tom.

Never, have i laughed this hard at a gif. Thank you, i needed this today.

the ONLY time i ever won a bout during my fencing club time in college was when some old fencing instructors showed up to teach us the rapier. Suddenly i was learning how to cheat (or what i thought was cheating - things like stepping wherever i damn well pleased). It was messy and i loved every second of it. In one

More like they have more skin in the game. Customers want green, they’ll go green.