
clearly this was the work of someone who had a well to do (or at least decently comfortable) mommy and daddy and therefore they never had to work retail or in the food services. I'm sorry but i'm with each year i find myself leaning towards the idea of Home Ec in schools incorporating a semester of working in

Bill Murray has surprisingly good legs!

agreed. I say down with chef boyardee for pizza, that's for sure. lol! ugh, i mean let's have some standards ;) lol

i gotta know, how many people died making this? It just boggles the mind that someone wasn't trampled in that last clip.

same here. I remember growing up with crackers and butter as a suitable snack (seriously slap some butter on that saltine, mmmmm heart disease!) and also there was the horror that was chef boyardee spaghetti sauce on the thinnest homemade flour pizza crust you'll ever see (it was soo gross. Even my father would make

Now playing

or you could go this direction. Man is this guy really trying to over sell this melody.

It's by Ruairí Robinson (director of The Last Days on Mars), and is a pitch/proof of concept. One that shows, yes, the world might be ready for Moby Sky Dick.

He's blaming "constant questions" for "distracting" him from his job.

who gives a shit? I'm more concerned with when he actually does his job (which looks like never).


What's strange is how much i both loved this show and also wished it were more. Kimmy was entertaining as hell, but i feel like the story was all over the damn place. It was strongest when she was hanging out either with her new roomie and the crazy landlord (who i assume was once married to a man just like Miracle

my grandmother had almost this exact set of brushes. They did jack for my curly hair, but they looked cool on a vanity.

hang on, they're doing the songs too? Wait...is the new cinderella also a musical? Ugh, if so PASS. Granted i was already delegating that film to a netflix watch-while-cleaning movie since i kind of hate the story of Cinderella, but Cate Blanchette brought me back to going, ohhh fine, i guess i'll sit down and

I'm a firm believer that even the best of friends can't handle being together day in and day out in the same room for more than 5 days, max. They might not have a huge meltdown, but i guarantee that there's some point during such a trip where one of them wants to murder the other or at least slap them. Toss in a

lol, i haven't listened to believe that way, but i was stuck with Live's stupid lightning crashes song on repeat for nearly a month in college. The people next door borrowed my Live cd and played it over and over and over and over....

OH god, i could single handedly take out a forest if i made a list of all the shit that i didn't do when i was a teenager because i thought i was "too cool". Ugh, i hate that so many of us miss out on opportunities as kids because we get this strange idea that we can't be ridiculed. For the love of god, what will

lol, i did that to an ex in college.

lol, i witnessed that out of a 4 year old at Red Lobster about 2 weeks ago. The mother (who was super overwhelmed with a few extra kids that were not hers and thus were pushing their new boundaries HARD) said something to her own son about needing to stay in his chair. He gave her this look that reminded me of a

morbidly curious about the chain restaurant. Is it a rockabilly restaurant, because if so that's kind of the look they are going for AND a lot of feminists actually embrace the whole rockabilly sexpot look (not sure why, i donno if it's irony or what). Just thought i'd throw that out there. It's not ALWAYS about

lol, i'm so happy my husband just turned to me and went, so are we doing this? lol.