
so what i'm gathering here is that women aren't allowed to sway their hips or shake their ass, but they're also not allow to walk like a dude. I'll remember to point that out to a few of my friends who happen to have a hell of a gait. Some ladies, believe it or not have swagger. I imagine if you're the head of a

"Fixing this is, of course, incredibly easy," she said when talking about games that may have several playable protagonists but offer few, if any, who are women.

Oh the list is long:

Jesus, that's from a 7 year old? It's gorgeous! Please tell me you went into illustration or something!

You're not alone. Hell i still name everything. The bike has a name, the car, even our roomba (her name is rosie, OBVIOUSLY lol). I don't think it's a bad thing to treat your objects, possessions as if they have feelings. Think of it this way, my husband and I both had Nintendos as children. His is sun-faded and

Now playing

dear ladies who are on the fence about seeing this, rent The Secretary and save yourself the extra 5-10 bucks. You'll thank me later (if for no other reason than this film has a plot and actors that seem to have some rapport).

I too found that scene HORRIFIC. Clearly I shall never add him to my celebrities I would screw list. *shudder*.

technically murder is assassination, but we enjoy assigning that word to people who are famous and have been specifically targeted due to their position in society. By that definition yes, this was just a random murder caused by a mentally disturbed individual. BUT since she was the mother of a famous man who was

Everyone rejoice at his royal flip floppiness!

ROFL..how old are you?

For kids like your son, i hope that this debate will not be some fly by night thing where the internet loses interest. I hope people keep after these idiots and we drive home the point that this is f-ing dangerous. Be safe and i hope that your son's fragile immune system is healed soon. :(

i think that depends on who had primary custody. Although i'd imagine that this could be used as leverage for gaining not just primary custody, but sole custody. Wow, i'd like to see that court case go down. That might cause a few of these people to rethink their bullshit.

depends on the college. The one i work at does. But what i fear is that as these kids grow older, and the number of college candidates drop (we're already seeing fewer numbers than 10 year ago when it comes to the application process) you'll begin to see colleges dumping the requirement just so they can get butts in

i hope he survived and pulled out ok, that's rare. Usually people don't make it when it gets that far. Tetanus is a hell of a thing.

lol, i'm picturing her spinning about in 1950s musical style and singing "bring me your vaccines, all of them, i want them all!" as the nurses danceher to an observation table and doctors appear with trays of needles lol.

OMG... get me a pitchfork, a torch and the number for that board who can strip that doctor of their fucking license!!

yes. People need more education and sadly we need it sung to them like school house rock.

It's funny that you chose the words STABBING kids with needles. I'm not picking on you, or your words, it just made me think of something a coworker (who is an anti-vaxer) said to me once. She went on and on about how the MMR vaccines are full of toxins and that a baby's body can't handle that many vaccines at once

knowing California, they'd figure out some ridiculous cleanse that claims to fix the problem in pregnant mothers. Or they'd argue that a diet consisting only of... i donno, honey, would solve all of your problems. *cue rolling eyes*

to be fair insurance is now covering Chiropractors. They're starting to be seen as helpful in some cases. What's truly sad, though, is that most insurance still will not cover massages and most visits to the Chiropractor are more successful when paired with a massage. Without it the muscle tends to pull the bone