
you don't, they're mocking the idea that traditionally ONLY virigins are suppose to wear white to their wedding; ALTHOUGH it's not that long of a tradition as pre-victorian period women wore whatever nice dress they had (color be dammed). Queen Victoria is said to have started the fad (although other women, even

time to appeal for asylum and gtf out

because all men are the same and none of them act more feminine than others. nope.

Huh, so what i've learned here is that Charlton Heston is the only person able to deliver the "Dirty Ape" line with enough relish and ham to make it believable.

omg, i'm so very ok with this post. I too shall join you in Otterlandia! It sounds like a fabulous place. :)

My cousin became pregnant when she was 15. She often speaks like this about her kids (when they aren't around). Meanwhile my best friend waited until she was 32. She just had her second child and while she's utterly exhausted, she seems to be happy with two. To each their own i guess, but i often wonder if part of

Very cool. Let me know if any of you guys watch the whole thing—I'm curious to hear how good it is.

wow...sooo 99.9% of phantom menace...gone. I'm ok with this. also...shit, this is going to make me re-watch the prequels, isn't it? Ratzen fratzen.

That is a "just take the damn photo" face if i've ever seen one. Jon seems happy to be there but Elisabeth seems to really want to move on inside. If it were reasonable to judge a relationship based solely on one photo (which its clearly not lol) i'd say they're friends, but not the kind that hang out on fridays.

I'm curious. had this guy been wearing a shirt would people be all in an uproar?

i donno i think there is room for everyone. I love Jon, Colbert and Oliver...although i'm a bit sad that Colbert shall soon be leaving for a late night talk show and dumping his Colbert persona. Seems like a terrible idea to me, but i get you can't keep doing the same thing and that was a hell of a lot of money CBS

Now playing

huh, i just watched a german film last week with a similar concept as its storyline. Although those sisters were broken up after their parents died (well there's no mention of the mother, my guess is she died when they were born) and one was raised in Holland, the other in Germany during world war II. It had a far

not that i'm backing the anti vaccine people in any way (they're idiots) but i thought the majority of their boycotting was the MMR shots, not polio. Perhaps it's both? Either way I just wanted to toss in that another contributing factor to worry about is Syria. A few months ago i saw a segment on NBC nightly news

huh, well a lot of new rich people are going to be able to join the mile high club with far more ease now.

uhhh...how is this guy recording? Aren't there laws about using your phone while driving and if this is a video camera, then there's got to be so law about distracted driving there too.

Mandatory "Fun" at work is equally sucky. I love when they're like you all MUST be at our picnic on saturday where we shall make you do silly bonding games even though you bond better when allowed to go out to lunch together and hang out by the copy machine for five minutes, talking about tv or whatever. But no

Gotta say i never liked the overly planned vacations, but i've always loved the ones where my mom or dad would say, "get in the car we're going to the museum (or zoo, or fill in blank mini vay-kay)" WAYYY better than stuff that had an itinerary. Or as i call it (since i'm a child of the 80s who watched way too much

you would have guessed that my friend was 53 when she was 23, she's been an old lady for YEARS. lol.

lol, reminds me of how Tom Welling was cast as Superman/Clark on Smallville when we both (as we were born the same year) were 24. Nothing like 24 playing 14. To be fair, he is suppose to be superman, BUT the rest of the cast was 14 going on 40 soooo it was all too ridiculous for my liking.