
oddly enough my grandfather did the rainboots that he pulled over his shoes, his rubbers. *shudder* lol.

i just gotta hear this story, how did you get soaked in blood?

When you work retail, you work with the public and the public can be pretty insane. I've been hit on by more old guys than i can count, granted that's the atmosphere and mentality you get when working at a hardware store. I was constantly surrounded by a bunch of good ol' boys (this was a contractor place, not your

What the hell, she looks like a Russian Gymnast. Fitting for this article, i suppose.

It's not just young boys. My husband and his cousin (grown men, ages 33 & 26) enjoy talking to the Kinect on our xbox. Some of the highlights include "Xbox: BOOBS!" "SEXBOX: GO!" and "XBOX: BIG BOOTY BITCHES!", which oddly enough is a thing if you go to the bing feature on xbox. I guess its music?? I donno.

Not a country fan, but it's amusing to me how a) they take Miley's song and make her eat it. I mean wow, talk about way more talent than that girl will ever EVER have and b) its amazing to hear what the song sounds like with people who are actual musicians (and can play their instruments) and have mature voices that

This is utterly tragic and while i'm not a crazy religious person (i don't even remember when i went to church last lol), i do know that a lot of charities and various religious organizations offer special assistance to people just like Shanesha. Unfortunately some of these organizations try to push their lifestyle

Why is she so red? This seem bad. I donno this whole thing is just screwed up. Poor kid

Aryan sex-bot Anne Frank. sure...why not? *sigh* (sarcasm alert)

My greatest sympathy to you.

YES. I witnessed this not via my mother (thank god she did not care what she looked like), but through my best friend's mother. I very clearly remember (let's call her ANN) going on and on about her body. She wasn't too bad until she had my BFF's baby brother. Unfortunately she discovered she was pregnant with

To be fair boys don't get off easy in this realm either. Too nerdy as a teen and the girls won't give you the time of day, not "manly" enough and you get labeled girly, too manly and you get lumped in with the sporty dude bros that supposedly have no brains or thoughts outside of banging and sports. Some assume

Agreed, i enjoy that AND the gesture controls. It's 2014, i'm going to sci-fi it up as much as i possibly can :D

Did they improve the kinect's voice controls with the xbox one? We have the first generation of the kinect and sometimes you'll tell a movie to pause and then ask someone in the room a question (or be on the phone or what not) and the damn thing starts up again, or stops. My favorite is when we're in hulu and it

lol, it looks like the 80s nightmare that my mother use to carry around. Pass.

huh? John Wrote and sang that song...i'm lost. Is this a whole Paul is dead conspiracy thing?

Bravo +1 and you win the internet.

to be fair the walrus died from a gun as well, so clearly being the walrus doesn't protect you from that sort of death.

Honestly i could see Archer rampaging WITH an otter. He does love his exotic animals.

BAH! no no no, dear. You do not have a dog in this fight. Stay out of it...pull up...pull up!