
Anything that screws up or derails the dueling winos show is fine by me. The fact that it was done by one of the most awesome older actresses out there is just the icing on the cake. Now i want to see Elaine, Dames Maggie Smith, Judi Dench and Helen Mirran harass the crap out of Katie Couric.

funny, although it would have been even stranger if they had actually tried to still do the news. talk about furiously writing. lol.

Trolling loneliness aside, i just want to say i LOVE Louis CK's take on not getting phones for kids. I have a knee jerk reaction to kids on cellphones. Perhaps it's because i teach and thus have seen how my students will occasionally start trying to text someone or hide that they're texting (which is my favorite


Yeah but can it's blow dry itself?

meh the kinja system could be worse, it could be like NBC new's strange windows 8 layout. UGH. I've stopped going to the site. I'll get my online news elsewhere (npr & bbcnews) from now on and just watch brian williams on tv.

Cleopatra was of greek descent and appropriated the Egyptian culture around her because it was a way to control her people (well ok, she was raised that way too, so she might have shared some of the religious beliefs). Sooo Katy's not that far off from the real deal.

I worry that this is going to be my husband's somewhat estranged mother's home some day. She already owns 12 cats (yup...12) and travels to florida with them each year (just picture a shit ton of cats running loose in her gmc jimmy, yup NO cat carriers). She's already in her 60s and i figure that someday she'll stop

omg, why would you watch that, then. I don't think i can watch an episode of that now knowing that that's a common thing and i don't even like cats that much, they're ok. Some are sweet as hell, so yeah...dead kittens under chairs. Nope, going to add the animal hording show to my list of never going to watch it.

Holy shit y'all, we're finally getting the sequel to the princess bride!?

i can assure you that Christopher Plummer is NOT watching this. To this day he refers to the sound of music as the sound of MUCUS. He hated that production, it was a paycheck to him.

Dear Transfer Student,

where you see confidence, many of us see arrogance.

Oh shut up, you'll be stone cold in a moment. ;)

true, and its not like she wakes up and says oh i gotta schedule a photo op! All this stuff is decided for them. They get to ask if they can do a charity that they're interested in and if it's approved by the Queen as being worthy of royal attention THEN she gets to go outside and have her picture taken.

omg, you get old, you die. Get over it. People often start getting a few grays in their late 20s, she's in her 30s. Sounds about right to me. And personally it's up to the individual if they want to dye their hair. I dye my hair occasionally for FUN, not for gray coverage. Right now i have a number of grays, if

They lost me with holocaust princess. the term made me cringe a bit. I also didn't get the need to jazz up Malala's outfit. It's showing way more of her hair than she actually would. And since i'm nit picking stuff (although this is me just being snarky, I'm not serious) Jane should be wearing pants. She looks

am i the only person who liked the tv show's second season. I got annoyed at people calling it the Talking dead. Occasionally, people, we need dialog and plot development. It all paid off with that horrific build up that destroyed the farm. The whole point of that season was to show that you can't go back. You

to be fair, we use to eye bang the hell out of our favorite bartender in college. He was this hot guy who could wear a pair of blue jeans like it was his day job. This wasn't some sleezy night club, it was your regular bar and grill micro brewery and we use to make poor Ted have to climb the shelves to get the

oh look, it's the first annual KKK ladies auxiliary beauty pageant. Billie Joe Hollar won thanks to her rousing tap dancing rendition of Dixie and impeccable sheet sewing skills.