i see what you did there.
looks like Techno viking to me.
go look up the ingredients in your sunscreen, you might run in terror. Not that it should stop you, just cause you to look for safer sunscreens. Also it won't stop the wrinkles altogether.
i donno about your family, but that sounds about right. i swear as they get older they barely have time give me a hug hello before they're off to attack my bathroom. lol!
yeah illegal cat juggling!! Thank you so much for this. I'd nearly forgotten...i don't know how, but i'm soo happy to see this again lol.
biscuits and Gravy? Was that us? I feel like that's a very waspy food and my god how i love it. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm gravy.
i know, right? It's turning into 10 grade study hall. I swear kids, do not make me collect all these damn notes and read them up front...oh wait you WANT me to read them up front. Sigh.
Call me nuts, but maybe they would have been better off to just do a quick flash of who all died this year and move on. NO extra time on anyone, go in alphabetical order, voila. No one is crying and you didn't waste air time depressing everyone. The only reason i can think of for them doing the monteith thing…
There's a comic shop in Binghamton, NY that loves its cats so much that it's named the shop after them (Fat Cats, I believe). I also know of a comic shop up in ithaca that once had a shop dog. The only downside to this is for people with allergies, which is a shame because it rocks to have a shop pet. :)
I'm just curious when the rag-mags are finally going to give up on the Jennifer Anisten's pregnant line and if on that day they'll switched to something horrific like, Jennifer cries self to sleep, "i never made time for that baby!" or Jennifer all dried up, "Now i'll never be a mother"
preTENTing? am i seeing things, is this on purpose? Am i missing out on an internet meme, or should i just be sad for our future again? I'm not saying you can't have typos, I have them all the time, i'm just wondering aloud if perhaps you should double check the sign you chose to post online to highlight something…
don't-eat-the-bread-you'll-seeth-witches Goodman
Good God, do people not learn?!! You can't bury people in the Pet Semetery!