
this just in, getting old ages you and you're all gonna die of something.

wow, so now TV show promos are going the way of movie promos and just showing you the whole damn thing, eh? Also wow...how is there not some sort of backlash to the treatment of the Asian girl going on? I mean other than sexism, i'm talking racism. Yeah...i love you seth green and giovanni you can be great too, but

what the what? lol. Good to know.

nice to see another driver pull over at the end. Love how the other trucker just keeps going like, meh...it's Thursday...AGAIN.

i went to high school with a real world troll. If the teacher said it was blue, he said it was green. If they said it was right he said it was wrong. He lived to argue. It was infuriating to the rest of us when he would talk because rarely was there any substance to what he had to say, he just wanted to hear

what your seeing there is the silly idea that online they're protected. You can't punch them in the face or scream at them or what not. Anonymity or full names, it doesn't matter. They truly believe that the monitor will protect them. The same behavior can be seen by people with cellphones who try to record a

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I feel like stuff like this must have been made by someone like Tyres (tires) from the BBC show, Spaced. He's high on E most of the time and moody as hell, but the man can hear a beat like no one else lol.

you ain't kidding. My family is SUPER waspy, my mother being the Queen of the wasps and she nearly died when i originally had a line about donating to our future on our registry cards. She made me remove it and since she's paying for this wedding (which is quite cheap, btw. I am far far far from the bridezilla.

Someone want to tell me how having a line on your gift registry that says "Alternatively, if you would like to contribute to our dream of home ownership, a place will be available at the reception for envelopes." is tacky, but it's ok to just have a registry card that reads "the bride and groom are registered...." no

lol, try 1960s. We've had glue on maxipads for a while here in the states.

So you think that if your mom had told you NO more often you wouldn't have gone to the college you went to, or been able to write for the places you write for? My mother was the Queen of "NO". However she also knew when to back off (like calling my teachers about grades..omg, not only would hi have been mortified,

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can't stand her show. I miss the british version of What Not to Wear sooo much. Those women were hilarious, and caring. They actually seemed like posh bitches who also gave a crap what was coming out of your mouth. It was clear that the moment the cameras went off they'd never call you again, but at least while

ugh, my cat is an a-hole who has caused more damage to my house and clothes than my dog ever could dream of doing. He's chewed 3 tank top straps (for no reason other than they were hanging out of the laundry basket). He's bored because he's a house cat. I grew up with barn cats and they were FAR more well behaved.

was the horse Shod, because if not, i'm sorry buster no service, get out. ;)

dear lord, that is some beefcake.

personally i find trailer voiceovers to be cheesy PERIOD. Chuck em out the window with the old and bring in a trailer than can tell it's own narrative without some deep voiced guy to lead us there.

every other morning i make 3 scrambled eggs. the rest of the time i have either oatmeal or wheat chex cereal. It usually comes down to time, but honestly the eggs take me what...10 minutes?

seriously? We're complaining because someone dares to try something new to fix the ungodly hellhole landscape that is the US cafeteria? I have horrific memories of green hotdogs (seriously they had a tint to them that was decidedly green), soupy soggy bread in what they called a "roast beef sandwich" (that was not

the woman had a LOT of issues and so did he, and so did his son and his granddaughter. I've always felt that the Hemingway clan is one of the most famous examples of mental illness being hereditary; then again it might be a great example of nature vs nurture because it could be argued that each generation screwed up

honestly i hate chick flicks, but if you had stayed through the 20 minutes it gets better (mildly). In the end i decided it was more like one of those films that you'd watch if you were waiting for someone to pick you up, they were super late, and there was nothing else on cable. I don't feel like i lost 2 hours of