
"Boys will be boys".

Yeah, it's great: never give up the Gregggggg.

Drew's was funny.

This is the saddest thing ever:

So... he's not raping them all?

Well, surely his identity will be revealed shortly once he's promoted for his heroism.

My thoughts exactly... best "Why your team sucks" anecdote ever.

The premise is horrendous... but what's even worse is that this shit goes on and on for 1:46 minutes...

"Not in the face!"

Well, in all fairness the astronomical evidence is pretty damming.

Chapeau, Sir. Chapeau.

It would seem that at some point she was human and then she wasn't.

Ha! My thougths exactly...

Is he eating it?

Don't you dare take Greggggg away from us, Drew... don't-you-dare.

In Mexico it's actually "Fut-BOL" (with emphasis on the last sylable), not "FÚT-bol". Also, "soccer" is common too.

Oh, my god... what a magical device!

Drew: has he ever written you? An angry e-mail? a cease and desist order?

You mean he was yellow?

Oh, there's no fooling you.