I know a guy who used his Lynx to deliver a pizza.... so I’d have to say that this is slightly less cool.
Business as usual. Freaked me the fuck out the first time I hit my ANG base coming from AD. I was like “WTF?!?! Why is there a Tech out hanging missiles??”, “There’s a Staff taking out the trash?!? Is this bizarro USAF?”
So China and Iran can get in on this action? No.
Bombers: Backfire, Badger, Bear, Blackjack, etc
Bring back “Project Car Hell”!
The wifes ‘13 Sienna needed an oil change (outside ToyotaCare). Bought the oil filter tool, some oil, and used a filter from the dealer. All in an HOA. ;)
FML... SOCOM in any branch always plays by their own rules.
Here's what was showing in the last SAPR class... the one where we were told (and I quote), "anyone charged with rape should be put away for a long time." Nothing about fair trial...
When brass asks for something, it's to push their "packet" above the next guy in line.
I'm going to be "that guy"... as an NCO, I can't see how in the hell this got past company/battalion SNCOs. THEN, you have some "O" who signed off of this? What the everloving fuck, people?!?? All we do in annual SAPR training, the number of times you tell the younger guys to shut the fuck up about "catching some…
As a USAF 2w0, I can tell you that's how it works on our end. When we run forcastings, we look at allocations and consumptions from previous years. Use or lose, baby!
Holy fuck... I almost pissed myself laughing.
They F&I guys like to sneak shit in on you at the last minute. You agree with sales at $240per mo, the F&I guy writes up your contract @ $264 since "that's the closest he could get". You've got GAP, undercoating, etc all thrown in because people can't do the math on their own and trust the dealership too much to do…
GMC C2500HD Diesel Suburban. Sure it has the payload capacity of a full-size truck when all the seats are down, but it just can't make up for all the general awfulness of the shitty hand-me-down 6.5 Turbo Diesel. The injection pump was garbage, leading to a $1400+ reapir bill when it went south. The Pump Mounted…