
Holy hell... I think the S2000 has a more usable trunk than a GTO. Having had a GTO, that gas tank kills a lot of free space.

Redhawks represent! Go 142nd FW!

Except for an Excursion. I'm pretty sure that a whale could fit back there.

Yeah... thanks... All the Cali drivers move up here (PacNW)... then go apeshit when it rains. I've never heard so many delays until we get the first good hard rain.

I heard from someone that worked at AAA, that anytime they saw a car with their sticker on the back of it, they knew person sucked behind the wheel.

Psssht! Amateur! Don't you know that wind blows the snow off of your car? DERP!

Holy hell... You're gonna get knifehanded calling Jarheads a part of the Navy. They don't like that shit.

Something tells me you're possibly 16 and trying to convince your parents that you need a WRX (with a Cobb shifter!), instead of the older Toyota Camry that has been the family "hand-me-down" car for the last 3 kids in your family.

Pickup truck. Can't carry more than 1 passenger, RWD (so they have to learn how to handle slick/wet roads), preferably a 4 speed with no tach. And... AND... when they move to college/military, they'll be sought out by the girls that need help moving someplace.

Nah... We'll see the Hennessey version before that.

I've heard that frequently when looking at halo editions of regular cars. Evo? Fast car, shitty Lancer interior bits. ZL1? Fancy car with shitty RS bits. It's only when you step in the halos of those marques that you see improvements: Corvette is a good example.

The fuck you say??! I click on those Mercedes articles (which I assume is sponsored, even though Travis and Hardigree won't admit to it!) and then I'm always like "FUCK! More Mercedes articles?" Then I comment about how I'm on a CAR site, not a MERCEDES site.

And now you've got the "Scorpion" that they intent to use, which... (OMFG)... is based on multicam, BUT, developed by Crye and modified by the Army labs.

Don't forget the ABU pattern for the Air Force... digital tiger stripes, stripes that offer NO camouflage. Or the ACUs that were rushed to give the Army something *cool*. Reality is, only the USMC got things done right. But then again, every Marine is a warfighter first.

Every branch does their thing really well... except for the Coasties. ;)

Tell me again how smoothly the Bradly Fighting Vehicle went? Or the Army's ACU? Or the Navy's LCS?

You've never seen how well different branches integrate, right? Yeah... me neither.

He was having a Oscar worthy insurance "injury".