There's a car a lot a few blocks from my house that I pass every day. It has a 2nd gen Probe for $2800 right now. My neightbor's kid just got his license and I've been meaning to point that car out to him.
There's a car a lot a few blocks from my house that I pass every day. It has a 2nd gen Probe for $2800 right now. My neightbor's kid just got his license and I've been meaning to point that car out to him.
My eyes! The goggles do NOTHING!
Oh it'll be a manual, whatever he ends up learning on. At least it will be if he wants to drive before buying his own car.
Unmatched paint on the car that's "never been in an accident."
I have one as well. As I was ponering about this question yesterday, I kept thinking "crap, what will I do when I have to teach my son to drive?"
Had the post all written up, then saw this. Spot on.
A thousand times no.
That reminds, me... You ever try LaChouffe Hublon? I think you'd like it.
My Jack Russel is the same. Never knew a dog before that didn't immediately stick his head out the window.
Excellent answer. I get nervous if I'm stuck driving on one for 2 days.
Not applicable to all cars, but... Where the key is for your locking lugnuts. Even if you do nothing on your own with your car, the guys at the shop will need it to get your wheels off.
Anything goes if we can honestly say, "I want it, we can afford it and there are seats for all three of us in it." My wife is pretty awesome that way.
For sale: Used GT-R, 1250 whp. Small stain on driver's seat.
Speaking of AZ, we're going on vacation there this year, Sedona. Got any recommendations in the area?
Oh yeah, gotta love the Aprihop. While I like the Arrogant Bastard myself, you're allowed to hate it (hate, not like much, whatever) without losing your cred.
So did I and I could barely breathe for about 10 minutes.
Doesn't the 5-Series already exist? Wait it's longer than a 7? So is it an 8? no those had pop-up headlights and 2 doors. A 9? No those don't exist. I know, it's an X7! But with a low roofline. um....
Good point. On the other hand, until the Stealth post reminded me of MOPAR's 3000GT clone, I'd forgotten about the MOPAR Eclipse.
I had a 1990 GL and low powered as it was, it was a blast. The GT's were kind of amazing for the time.
And for the record, to this day my Dad says the Pinto he had when I was a kid was his all-time favorite car.