
Konami just ran out of capitalized fucks to give.

I hate that defense. Sure, it was his first day as a superhero. Ive yet to spend a single day super-heroing, and yet I know that knocking down a building full of people, then ignoring the survivors to go make out is BAD. I don’t need to do it first to learn this.

I’m still unreasonably angry that Scott Pilgrim vs. the World didn’t make bank, while crap like The Expendables did. Edgar was robbed, I tells ya!

Tell me about it, I’m 33, I can barely drink two beers without getting a debilitating headache the next day, and I haven’t had a girlfriend in almost a decade, yet there are moments where my mind tells me that I’m still 25 and the last 8 years haven’t really happened (because I barely remember any of it).

I actually liked Hot Fuzz a lot better than Shaun of the Dead. Shaun of the Dead is great, but ... Hot Fuzz!

The netcode in this scripted CGI trailer looks pretty good for a DICE game...

No, No, No. This is Harrison Ford in a leather jacket. That’s just some old guy with a walking carpet.

With this, you just became my favorite. DOA shouldn't be a guilty pleasure, it is the best fighting franchise out, IMO. They need to chill w/ the penny pniching pervy DLC, though.

Just lucky, I guess.

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You know what? When you have an assassin as the central character of your movie, he doesn't necessarily need to be a good guy. He can be one hell of a villain.

Ever wonder why Spider-Man hasn't at least made token appearances in the big Marvel movies like The Avengers? That's because Sony Pictures, not Disney, hold the movie rights to the web-slinger. But they've just signed a deal with Marvel that will mean Spider-Man can finally appear alongside the likes of Thor and