Nope, just two. They did make a spin off with Alien vs Predator, but that was stupid so they didn’t make any more.
Nope, just two. They did make a spin off with Alien vs Predator, but that was stupid so they didn’t make any more.
Nope, just two. They did make a spin off with Alien vs Predator, but that was stupid so they didn’t make any more.
Nope, just two. They did make a spin off with Alien vs Predator, but that was stupid so they didn’t make any more.
About time Agent gets anything. Wish Rockstar would show something to show it’s not dead.
This is the biggest problem with the game. Single player would be nice and more modes would be welcome, but the core online game needs work too. I want to join friends in a squad, not some random person I’m not communicating with. I think the real reason they didn’t let you play offline matches with bots is that would…
To be honest I've only see the pilot, but the entire time it felt like I was watching Peter Parker. kept expecting him to rush off to meet Aunt May somewhere or something. He had the right mix of shy nerd and smart ass that I think makes a good Parker.
Garfield was to cool, Maguire was too lifeless, maybe they could get Grant Gustin for a Peter who's just right.
That would make an awesome 50's style monster movie, giant plant consumes the city as the whole thing burns.
Solid snake and who? There was kind of a hate/love thing between Naked Snake/Big Boss and Ocelot, but I don't remember any relationship like that for Solid Snake.
In her favor reading only classic novels would mean she is more likely to read Dracula rather than the twilight books.
Don't forget the Black Hole. The ship is run by robot zombies commanded by a madman. with a killer robot side kick. The parts where max uses his blender hand to slice though a guys note book into his chest and the look of lifeless horror on his face as he dies still hunt me, to say nothing about going to hell at the…
I'm not sure if it qualifies as a kids movie, but as a kid I couldn't watch the end of Raiders of the lost Ark where the Nazis faces melted. I would either stop it there and fast forward to right after that to see the warehouse part and listen to the raider march in the credits or rewind the whole thing and watch the…
It's kind of funny, but every time I hear actors or directors talk about a great villain they almost always talk about how nice and charming he was off set. Cesar Romero was a great Joker, funny and a little frightening.
Gordon only suspects who Batman is. With the help of detective Essen he comes up with Wayne as a possible suspect, with motive and means to connected to Batman. Waynes alibi does seem a bit too convenient to be dismissed out of hand. All this with Gordons gut feeling make him think Bruce Wayne is hiding something.…
I think I can see why you may not think this is a great Batman story. I always thought this was more of a Jim Gordon story featuring a young Batman. I have to say IMHO this is a good Batman movie and a great Gordon movie.
Wish they used a clip with Gordon for the promo. I think Year One is as much a Gordon story as it is a Batman story, so it would have nice to hear what he sounds like.
Nintendo has been doing that a bit this last generation. More features on various DS models, and the black wii with it's minor controller motion plus upgrade.
I try not to even think about Never Say Never, and I don't count the second Casino Royal with David Niven. I do think Moonraker is much cheesier than Octopussy.
I try not to even think about Never Say Never, and I don't count the second Casino Royal with David Niven. Having said that Moonraker is much cheesier than Octopussy.
@thecarlos: Do cylons dream of electric sheep