
Do you have any realistic suggestions or do you just live in a void? If any one person could just go and "make games" wouldn't there be a fuckton more games around? No it takes a team and resources... resources typically found in the form of $$$. It takes money to make money. I don't have any money. Besides I'm not


Your criminal lack of understanding that to an alone woman, an imposing drunk guy making unwelcomed comments as anything other than intimidating is not welcomed here or anywhere in the world in 2013.

Spoken like a true male.

I feel like as an essential part of the coming-of-age process, white Americans, upon turning age 13, should be handed an educational pamphlet entitled, "Reverse Racism Is Not a Thing."

I highly doubt you even know what a logic trap looks like, much less knowing how to set one up. Basically, you just admitted that you don't give two fucks about anything being discussed, but you felt the need to comment just to be an insufferable troll trying to get a rise out of people because, I don't fuckin' know,

You just contradicted yourself in one thread. Please do go on about the intellectual heft of commenters...

The best suggestion I read for complaining about this, from this tumblr: send in your entry. Make it a drawing of Kate Kane and Maggie Sawyer's wedding day.

Guys, I hereby nominate "Why don't you just to go Massachusetts and go to school?" to be the new go-to response for bullshit for GTers. I'd like that to be our new header for tomorrow as well. Kthankx.

There I was, a perfectly heterosexual (though chaste) woman with a library card. I checked out the book, never suspecting the devastating effect it would have on my life. The content of the book itself was no problem, but when I turned to the author's biography, I suddenly saw the words that changed me forever: he

I'm consistently impressed by people who think that jokes about gender transition are acceptable, especially under the circumstances of incarceration.

Denis Leary is so unfunny now that he doesn't have Bill Hicks to copy.

Ahh, religious men-folk... telling women what to wear, what to do and who to be for thousands of years.

The other day, I was mentioning to someone how awful this law is. Their response?

"How am I supposed to explain homosexuality to my children?"

"...I should be allowed to determine how small or large of a tip I want to give."

How often do you get a pay cut when you have a single crappy day at work? Or even a crappy hour? Or if your teammates at work are having crappy days, but unfortunately, your ability to deliver the product on time depends heavily on them? Or what about if the person who signs your paycheck is having a crappy day or

Yeah, not buying this one. "It's not about control. It's just about being able to punish people when I don't like them."