
I'd say that's a bit of a stretch to say this should be counted as a video game-based show. The Borgias were real people, whose infamy survived for 500 years before Assassin's Creed came along. As was said already, it's kind of like saying Band of Brothers was inspired by the Medal of Honor games.

@SecretMoblin: I am consistently amazed at the fact that Super Mario 64, which came out a decade and a half ago and was one of the very first games to even HAVE a camera, STILL has a better camera than most titles released today.

@adan-nada: I wondered about that, too. Especially since, according to some accounts, Mickey was created by Walt altering Oswald's design just enough so he couldn't get sued.

@Birthmarkdestructor: It's going to be hard for Nintendo to get it right if people start blaming them for games they didn't make.

@KillerBeeTX: Nonsense. The Jackson thing led to a temporary bump in the amount of complaints the FCC received, but now it's back to how it was before the wardrobe malfunction.

@Donts: And then it wouldn't have gotten a hundreth as much press coverage as it's getting now.

My brother and I played the hell out of this game back in the day. Our policy was that it went to whoever had the least health. In practice this meant that we both started spamming special attacks when we knew a pizza was coming so we'd just have one health bar when it arrived.

@Vouivre: Violence is more accepted, but I think an exception exists for suicide. And most people looking at the game for the first time instantly thought, "holy crap, that kid just killed himself!" Of course, then you see he isn't dead, but it's still unnerving.

Currently playing through Paper Mario for the first time.

@PeachyBoy: That's...that's special. It's a special, important thing that you said.

I've definitely experienced this, but while sometimes I'll go a month between unlocking the final dungeon and actually going there, I always end up finishing the game. Because if I don't have that bit of closure, I'll just keep coming back until the game stops being fun, and I'd rather leave wanting more than leave

@Rachel Fogg: And I have no doubt that the game itself will feature more shout-outs and cameos from past Persona games.

@xXinsane1Xx: I think a lot of people get so preoccupied with these sort of images that they forget that it's possible for a game to include sex and not be ABOUT sex. And even if it is, that doesn't necessarily mean it's pornographic or smutty. Sex is a complex theme; there's a lot of ways to approach it.

@The Forgetful Brain: The controversy over the evokers did wonders for Persona 3. Considering that it came out at a time when the PS2 was overstuffed with JRPG's, the whole media bruhaha over the game probably raised it to A-title status.

Why would you pay so much money for the rights to a franchise if you're not going to use them? Just rename the movie something like "Crazy Art Enforcin' Family II: Tasty Revenge Party" and save a few million bucks.

Why do vegans insist on associating themselves with tofu, anyway? Tofu is a bland, flavorless lump of nothing.

@Marasai: That's a funny way to forget your fanbase, by basically giving them exactly what they wanted (more entries into classic franchises and fewer waggle games.)

@Kent: I had a blast with the four-player in this game. I know some people like to be jerks and mess up their friends by stealing power-ups, throwing shells, and the like, but that's hardly the game's fault. If you can get three people who actually care about completing the levels, then it's really fun.

@Char Aznable: No, that isn't science fiction either. I did some checking and it turns out that space is real. It contains moons and dirt (from moons.)