
I don't even play the Halo games and I kind of want to put that up. Great piece of work.

@Ashurahori: Well, there was an edition of All-Stars that included Super Mario World. Not sure if that's the one in this box, though.

Roll looks like a rejected Wind Waker character up there. I still love this concept, though.

@skarecrow13: Finally, the real Mega Man appears!

Let's get down to business! To defeat!

@mintycrys will Vanquish you!: To be fair, Retro seemed to be pretty much done with Metroid after Prime 3. After spending six years working on that franchise, I think they've earned the right to branch out a bit and try something new. Especially when the results look this good.

It's a shame Mickey's persona has been cleaned up so much, because in the old black and white cartoons (and in the comics, to this day) he could be quite the tough guy, beating up villains and rescuing Minnie, and also a bit of a jerk (in his very first cartoon, he tries to force Minnie to kiss him.)

@SpectacleG: Pocahontas actually made it to England, got married, decided to go back to America with her husband (not John Smith), and died during the trip back, ironically of one of the same "European diseases" which were wiping out her people back home.

That sign almost seems like it's embarrassed. "Don't give me that look! The town was named during the war between the states! Words meant different things back then! Stop laughing! Some guy who knew George Washington surveyed our land once!"

Also announced today, the Xbox is getting a new mascot. Unveiled at a press conference, "Boxio" is a jolly Italian plumber in overalls. "I know what you're thinking," said a spokesman, "but Boxio is an original property, perhaps the most original of all time. Look at him: he doesn't have a mustache. Name a game that

@Owosso: A survival instinct is something that helps you, you know, SURVIVE. "I am going to put my body directly in the path of a speeding SUV" is not a choice you make if your goal is to keep on living.

@Twyst3d: I don't think it's possible "to lose touch with what people want" and still outsell your competition.

@uncutlateralus: Most people shorthand the original Goldeneye as "Goldeneye 64;" that associates it strongly with Nintendo's old console. Nintendo is just trying to keep that association alive, by saying "once again, if you want to play Goldeneye, your only option is a Nintendo console."

Subjective meaningless opinions GO!

The west is, if anything, in an even bigger creative rut than Japan. These days they seem committed to annual sequels and dishing out shooters by the dozen, all starring the same angry, generic bald guys.

I think Abagond has an excellent point here. I would even take the Marge Simpson point further, and

@hdorder: Dude, you are seriously overreacting here. The article calling whites arrogant or mean. And in fact, no one said that only whites see white people as the "default." In fact, non-white Americans seem to have that perception, too. I'm not white and I do. That's not the fault of white people, that's something

@Yofu: I think you missed the joke there...