I'm rather partial to "Maverick." Sure, it basically screws around with every western convention and refuses to take itself seriously, but that's exactly why I like it.
I'm rather partial to "Maverick." Sure, it basically screws around with every western convention and refuses to take itself seriously, but that's exactly why I like it.
@SirCletus: We need more guns to protect us from video games!
I would have liked to see "Up" win, though I'm sure that wouldn't happen. It was really between Hurt Locker and Avatar. The right movie won.
If you ask me, Sly Cooper seems to be the franchise that would hit the best sweet spot between "genuinely surprising" and "not so old and obscure that people won't actually care."
@Vedli: I don't get why they made the guy Gabe's arguing with into a strawman. Do they honestly think that treating legit gamers like pirates isn't going to result in some of them pirating?
@Just2Fresh: That would be fine if the $20 fee didn't also apply to anyone who bought the game used or who lost their voucher code.
@Aaron Benton: Well done, sir.
@Teran: Somehow I really doubt that. About 70,000 Americans are killed by guns every year. Unless the latest Twisted Metal game is set on the parking lot of your local Wal-Mart, I really doubt that many people are getting killed there.
@Patrick Mac: It may not have hurt people, but it says a lot about his character. He got caught cheating, yet was so self-righteous about it that he actually thought he was entitled to payback.
@ThatGuyOverThere: Some Tazers are now made to look like guns when they're holstered. It's more intimidating that way.
@Teran: I'm more worried about your irrational fear of parking lots.
@Manly_McBeeferton: Not to mention that "be young, have fun" was Pepsi's slogan back in the early 90's.
@CRRRUNK ... ಠ_ಠ: I want my tattoo to say THRILLHO
I would have thought that the PS3 would have turned out to be the JRPG console of choice this cycle, due simply to the fact that it's the best selling "gamer's console" in Japan. But the Wii's huge userbase cannot be ignored, even if the average Wii owner is not the type of gamer who's inclined to play an RPG, and 360…
@Chestnut Bowl: I'm willing to give it a chance simply because its initials spell ARF. Double points if it turns out to be about dogs.
Uh oh! Someone has a political opinion about something!
@LoungeDinosaurian, it's a LOVE RƎVO˩UTION!: Congress isn't all-powerful either, though. They look to the president to set the agenda, and he can veto most of their proposals. Yet Bush didn't veto A SINGLE THING for his first six years in office. He used the veto less than any two-term president of the last 100 years.…