Can I get some pineapple on my hot dog?
Can I get some pineapple on my hot dog?
I tested it by hitting account and got some random persons but then I asked my roommate to try the same and he got the same account that I got.
For a while CivV was all of my top six rarest achievements but I've since got a few others to round it out:
I had seen the first season of Game of Thrones when I got around to finally reading the first book. Just from that book alone was when I thought of this same concept. I'm not a great detective, but the fact that so many people have also come to the same conclusion either lends to the possibility of it being true or…
"24 Hours" and "Collectors" are two of my favourite issues of Sandman both for some of the best gruesome dialogue in them. At the beginning Sandman was more of a horror series but switch gears more towards fantasy by the end but still great throughout.