Needs a centipede.
Needs a centipede.
I would’ve also accepted calling this the Cheep.
Looks like my current Volvo may be my last Volvo.
I’d imagine most of the money goes into the leading-edge tech inside, so I’d give them the same type of leeway that I imagine one needed to give to exotics back in the day.
There might be hypocrisy in his statement, but I’ve never been impressed with Tesla’s build quality myself, especially on the inside.
The XC90 is definitely a home run for Volvo...even if I’m still not a huge fan of tablets replacing buttons, and no more buttery smooth 6-cylinder.
That’s definitely a big issue. I personally prefer being lower to the ground, but even I’ll admit it sucks to be surrounded by trucks/SUVs that you can’t see around.
The fact that no one has may be a sign, or it may be an opportunity. Car brands, much like car shoppers, are like herds of cattle. Where one goes, so do the doesn’t necessarily mean they are all geniuses.
I live in Canada, where wagons are way more popular than in the US (although I always see plenty of them in the PNW too). I have a wagon, my brother has a wagon, atleast 4-5 friends I know have wagons. I’m not saying that Toyota should replace crossovers with wagons, but there are still many of us out there who prefer…
But that’s just a portly crossover, not a wagon.
I’d rather they shock us with a Camry wagon again.
Gotta love the performance-to-value ratio of these cars.
He’s probably thinking that he could still get 30k for this wreck.
Perhaps the most concentrated fun I’ve had in a car came during a 15 minute drive in a 458 Italia, from one of those rental companies in Maranello. The paddle shifters on those cars are pretty glorious.
Well the good news is that its never going to be a museum piece even if it sat in a garage the rest of it’s life. So I definitely drive it as much as possible....but 3 out of 4 seasons only now, ha.
The one car photo that says is best is the one my dad too..because it encapsulates my childhood. This is us as refugees just after escaping as refugees into Austria (this was shot after we made it through). I know people make fun of Lada’s here (ours was a Zhiguli) but to a 5 year old it was still pretty great.
Nothing makes you compromise on perfection quite like watching your dream car skyrocket past your price range!
Great story.