
Yeah, there's no way this can be called a small truck. It's barely even a medium.

Four door with a manual is what I'd want anyway. Fun but still practical, that's what makes the Golf so great.

Yeah, the Civic definitely reached it's apex in the early/mid 90s. It's been a slow and steady decent since should not really be on this list in my opinion.

Of course I am. I'm a guy who knows how to drive a stick, so that automatically suggests I'm pretty awesome! ;)

"I don't drive stick, never wanted to and probably never will. Does that make me any less of an auto enthusiast? "

People who say that usually can't drive a stick. For me, knowing how to drive a manual is a huge part of being an enthusiast.

The sound is half the reason to buy a Ferrari (or more if you're not really a fan of how they look these days, like me). I had a chance to drive a 458 in Italy last summer, and just thinking about that exhaust and burbling sound gives me goosebumps. It's simply magnificent.

I don't care how nice of a guy he was, or how much of a car nut he was... going that fast on a public road is reckless and idiotic beyond extreme.

Every effin crossover out there.

Yeah, there's no way we can call that a small pickup. I know it looks small compared to all the fat pigs in the full-size category, but it's still rather large. But at least it's a step in the right direction.

Not to pile on even more, but this list reads like the Robb Report. I'm sure you guys are excited about getting the chance to review all these fantastic cars now that you've grown up in the media world, but throw us plebes a bone here. There's nothing more boring than reading about the same supercars in every mag and

This is what the characters from Captain Planet would look like if they were real.

I remember being around 11-12 (I guess 12 if its the 20th anniversary) at the time it came out, and happening to be in Paris. We ran into this amazing flagship Renault dealership on the Champs Elysees that was filled with all sorts of Renault F1 cars and other cool shit...and of course the just launched Twingo. That

There's nothing really on this list I'd be jealous of. Most of it is just redneck trash.

BMW made the right call (although still would've been great to see a RWD version). Too bad they turned into a fatter and uglier pig with every new iteration though...but I guess that's the BMW way.

Yeah, I pretty much feel the same way about the new McLarens. Fantastic pieces of engineering that leave me cold on design/passion side. I'd still rather have an F1 over any of them...or better yet, an F40.

Clearly a lot of people love it, it's a rolling mechanical masterpiece, and I'm sure it's the best in every measurable category imaginable...but the Veyron always just leaves me a little cold. There's just not a lot of passion in this car.

Considering all the meatheads in tracksuits in Greenpoint Brooklyn (one of the biggest Polish neighborhoods in the US) driving their german cars with similar spirit...I'm not really surprised there would be other Polish guys who think this is awesome.

Ha right Mark, because it's the European version that's always bringing down the fun factor of cars. Thanks for not compromising.

Dammit, this makes me miss New York.