
While we’re talking about RSS, when will Lifehacker fix their RSS feed? For the longest time the “VIP” feed was the way to go until it was nixed last year. Then I turned to those “Full text RSS feed” converters and that worked ok but for the last week or two none of the pictures have worked. It would be nice if

This app looks interesting, but I want to know your acutal review of it and not a description of what it does. Is it good? Does it work like it intends?

Too bad they're a company I won't support. The fact that they sue everyone that has "Monster" in their name is despicable. Otherwise, I wouldn't mind picking one of these up.

I feel SO much healthier having quit the fake social networking. I'm back to the non internet social networking and it feels fantastic.

As others have mentioned, if this could support MKVs – subtitled ones for me – this would be perfect.

Why are the more recent articles giving me the "Read more..." instead of the full article like it used to in feedly?!

Hey, what's up with your RSS feeds??

I'm going to create an app that automatically blocks those awful "related" links from appearing right in the middle of the friggin' story.

I just made one for my D5200!

Do a google search for "import windows xp mode into virtualbox pcbios.bin" The first link should be a link. Follow those instructions. Make sure that when you run the vboxmanage line from the command prompt, that the vm is shut down and the virtualbox application is closed.