Thomas Anderson

I don't know a lot about singing (I know nothing about singing), but the turn around, arm waiving motion at 0:55 is definitely a "I'm gonna need A LOT of help with this one, back up singers" motion, right?

I like how the article almost immediately contradicts the headline.

I post here, not for one man, but for all mankind to reap the wealth of unified collaboration. Here it is that we shall make our stand, and here it is we will ascend to glory!

For some reason I don't see the "Allow Handoff" line there in my System Preferences

Why not just "Soccer RefGets Smoked In The Face By Rocketing Ball"?

Why does it matter that it is a lady ref?

You know who they should arrest? Anyone that makes the "change the mascot to a potato" joke. People have heard that one already.

Second game in a row where a referee messes up. Giovani's goal was called offside when he wasn't.


I realize that. I was just trying to be funny.

Now playing

If you're a teacher using GDrive for distributing and collecting student work, I'm about to change your life: Doctopus (the script that is the teacher's best friend).

Same...I'm really confused. Wikipedia here I come.

I'm going to keep my eye on this post. I have a feeling the comments are going to get interesting.

What a pussy. If he were a hockey player he would've digested his tongue and kept playing.

It's awesome! I just wish there was a way to make it more cross platform so friends with android can play.

This is the official Microsoft app. Presumably that means better compatibility with the desktop apps and a more consistent UI/experience.

I don't think anyone is complaining about the cost of baby clothes when they talk about the cost of child care. They are talking about the cost of getting daycare, which for a two parent household where the parents are on the lower end of the wage spectrum is high enough that it's almost cheaper to convert to having

I recommend jumping in to see- check out the course outline and weekly videos to see if this fits into your class. Even if there's one video that you think is particularly interesting- that might be enough to provide another perspective for your students that you might not be able to offer in the same way- or that you

Diablo 3. I told my brother ( who played a tiny bit of 2 a long time ago) that it was essentially Gauntlet with loot and he didn't believe me at first. I popped the 360 version in and we went to town. Blew his mind even more when I told him it could do 4 player couch coop, and when played over live you didn't have to