Thomas Anderson

That was... disappointing.

I give a shit. The got to march in the opening and closing ceremonies and were televised and discussed by the NBC announcers during the first night of Olympic coverage. And they didn't even bother to compete. That's outrageous.

Counterpoint: you are wrong. A player being able to go as much as they want after the first three is bad ass and adds a ton of narrative to an otherwise "coinflip" situation.

Great concept.

Well, now I want a ps4. The trick will be convincing 4 of my friends to get one...

Why no splitscreen? T_T
(Games like Magica or Marvel Lego kick ass with buds beside you)

I can't imagine running under those conditions. I mean, with a girl?


I quit reading your post 6 words in. Try harder random interweb person.

If you do use credit card rewards, check that the reward is a good deal. Last year, I found that applying reward points to a hotel stay was a much worse deal than getting a loaded Visa card with the reward points and using that to pay for the same hotel.

Holy fucken shit I had no idea you could swipe for text message timestamps and I've had an iPhone since 2007... my mind is blown.

I have a HDTV and decent Internet connection but to tell the truth don't really care whether it is in HD or not.

I had something like this 30 years ago.

Now playing

I've been using a Wipebook 1.0 for about 5 months now. I've found it really handy for todo lists, and great in meetings when we need to do some quick diagrams.

If you like board game coverage on Gawker respond to this post here (reply or make your post post) and show the guys running the site! I'd love to see a dedicated Gawker site about boardgames, or possibly just more regular features on them here at Kotaku.

Why do I need to be in anything besides index funds?

Do you think the days of letting someone else invest for you are numbered? With electronic market services like Scottrade, Ameritrade, etc. and the fact that many professional investors are just directing investors to funds that they don't control (Vanguard for example), why would an investor need to use a

What are we the Rockefellers?

My Secret to Reading a Lot of Books (and by a lot I mean 3 a week or so - I have to take a long train ride to/from work every day):

If anyone is looking for a new way of discovering books, I launched a new website last week called BookDigits. It uses themes and special metrics instead of traditional genres. You can sign up for the beta at