
I just hope it all burns up on reentry. I'd hate to live in a world where the weather report might include a 30% chance of corpse showers.

My guess is the deceased donated their eyes to someone named "Soon."

Yep, she's my +1 and she's pretty much walking on air right now. I think the feeling is enhanced by the fact that she also gets to miss a couple days of school. :o)

Thanks, man. You're probably the 10th person to say I should ask about another Librarian movie so if I'm lucky enough to get the chance (not counting on it, though) I will. Will definitely place photos somewhere available to anyone who wants to see them. I'm a lousy photographer, but I take a lot of pictures so

Thanks for being so gracious. Right now it looks like the trip date may conflict with a family wedding I'm a part of so if I have to forfeit you may just get to go after all. Personally, I'd much prefer to go on this trip than to a wedding, but the family members don't seem to understand I only get to take a trip

While I really appreciate Charlie Jane's wonderful suggestion to my name change I think it should be Thogar the Damned Lucky Bastard. I'm not very mighty, unless I'm hungry, then I'm usually mighty hungry.

Excerpt from article found here: [] which confirms Sian's comment.

Most definitely! I'll probably take and post several hundred (mostly blurry) photos to Photobucket or some other site like that so I can bore everyone with my vacation slideshow.

I'm sure they did that for monetary reasons. It's a lot cheaper to fly someone from the States to Vancouver than from, say, Australia. But I don't see why they couldn't have at least left it open to Canadian residents, too, although that whole "limited to residents of the continental US" deal is fairly common. It

Thanks for the kind words everyone. I know there was some criticism of the entries and I can't completely disagree, but I'll take what I can get. My daughter is literally squeeing right now.

Sorry, I let my greed get in the way of good manners. It won't happen again. At least not soon. Okay, who am I kidding? It'll probably happen again and I'll probably apologize again. My brain's not quite right.

Alright, so there are no gems. In that case just pick MY mediocre entry. For Pete's sake, I spent several moments pinching that loaf of uninspired dreck! I should be rewarded for my mediocrity, dammit!

We'll all just be able to better remember what asshats we all are. Then everyone will be pissed at everyone else permanently... Kinda like marriage.

I think the K's would be "*vicious* blobs of oozing luminescence."

Skitters. Taste the harness.®

Someone needs to die. Either the person who scrambled my fond memories of those fuzzy friends with this idea or myself. After searing a few of these images into my brain I think I may prefer to be the one taking a dirt nap.

I just hope Steven Moffat reads this and makes it happen on screen.

"A Christmas Story" is so good that even the Grinch would love it (pre heart growth even!). If you watch it and don't like it I'll refund your money.

Great fun and slightly bittersweet seeing Ms. Sladen there.

I'm left-handed and I don't move much when I sleep, but I have one hell of a time sleeping more than 4-5 hours a night without pharmaceutical help. And even once I do get to sleep I wake up 3-4 times a night or more. Things are much better now that I'm working nights, though, as I find it much easier to sleep during