
I'm not saying you're wrong about Native Americans and the impact of nightcrawlers on their ability to farm, but it seems strange that they would've had a negative impact. Generally, any kind of earthworm presence in soil is beneficial to the state of the soil with regards to gardening/farming. I know the best thing

That was my first thought when I saw the top picture!

It's a bit mind-boggling that the designers of such devices never considered any security for devices that are literally keeping a person alive. If the pump control system is located on the outside of the body I don't really see the need for wireless communications when plugging in a data cable would be so simple and

More salt, please!

I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one who thought Paranormal Activity was about as fun as my great aunt's vacation slide show. I just didn't get the appeal, it wasn't scary in the least and however long the running time was, that was too long by about one minute.

In some rare instances Tagamet (Cimetidine) will make warts go away like freaking magic. One of my kids had warts on her hands so bad that warts were literally growing on existing warts. The dermatologist couldn't keep up with them by burning, freezing, et cetera and my kid was always in pain from all that. So, one

Son. Of. A. Bitch... That really sucks.

Yeah, the first thing I thought when I read this is how empty the place would be without Katsulas. He was a great actor and played one of the best characters on that series. Completely irreplaceable.

Plays fine for me in Firefox 5 on XP SP3.

At least it's not trying to have sex with us. I guess they still leave the screwing to the car salespeople.

I can't argue with that, but if we had that kind of scientific progress wouldn't we be pretty darned careful about contact with people who were much like we are socially? It would seem to make more sense to observe at a safe distance, hence my (mostly whimsical) assertion that nobody that smart would be foolish

I've always thought that perhaps the reason we've not been visited by alien civilizations is because no one intelligent enough to travel between the stars would want to stop here. If we were to manage interstellar space travel then happen upon a planet where its inhabitants fight and kill each other over ridiculous

How the *hell* do you sleep through that? I'm sure it could bring one back from the dead, but if that were true I think I'd just prefer to remain deceased.

Simply because it's awesome.

I'm skeptical about the staying power of "special-interest truck stops called websites." I'm not sure I'm comfortable hanging around truckers with special interests.

I agreed that the character isn't very developed, but I don't feel it's hammered home at all. Maybe it's a one-note performance, but it's far from "hammered" IMHO. Maybe in the first two episodes it came across as heavy-handed, but do you really think it continues to be? I just don't see it, other than maybe some

I think they might be on to something. I've been working hard at it for years, and quite frantically at that, but I still haven't gone blind.

While I have to agree with the couple of responders who say Lourdes has been portrayed rather one-dimensionally so far, that really is no excuse to exercise prejudices. I don't think the same types of things would be said were the character's main attributes some ethnicity rather than a propensity towards a faith.

Funny, that's exactly what my doctor told me at my last physical.

Absolutely brilliant...and spot-on.