
It's okay, I understand how It's hard to argue against truthful statements.

It's Spike Jonze not a hack, this isn't going to be what you think it is.

It's Spike Jonze, if Jez took more than two seconds and looked over at anything they would know a true talented auteur with something worth saying.

Jez, it's Spike Jonze. Please understand this isn't a RomCom on the same level as your standard faire. Jonze is a complex auteur, Where the Wild Things are wasn't just a children's movie. Neither will be Her. So please get off your high horse, surface elements mean nothing when it comes to a real auteur.

I completely agree.

Hi, Ex-Mormon here and I can actually answer this one.

I love this ^

That is my friend the best sentiment I've heard in a long time :D

P.s. I'm going to write you down in my book of "people I think are waaay to cool to be my friends in real life." :p

I still think you're mistaken, but then again I haven't experienced what you have. Either way time will tell.

I don't agree with your assumption about the people who pirate material, but I totally dig the idea of instant download/kick starter paradise. That would be rad. I can't even count how much I've given to indiegogo and kick starter.... Its a problem, a wonderful one that hurts my wallet.

The button is sick, gross, depraved, ect. Can I just another question to the other button? Why are you still afraid of "commies"... Seriously, why live with a cold war paranoia on top of your own 9/11 paranoia? Just boggles the mind at how dated they all are.

I recommended Film Critic Hulk... So yeah, I'll totally let you be after you read that :)

Yes? I don't know what to say other than what you see as a negative I see as a positive. Purchasing or supporting is best, but the consumer in my mind comes first after the initial creation. Does that mean everyone will stop Supporting the artist? Definitely not. Will people ever stop pirating? Definitely not. There's

Sounds like a very personal experience and I am sorry that you had to deal with such a terrible housemate. Unfirtunately that I can't really comment on it outside of that, but I do feel pirating is a perfectly reasonable response to wrongful behavior of the artist, developer, distributor, producer or that inability to

It's sounds like you just don't like her writing and have reached a far more extreme reaction than is warranted. I would be willing to discuss what surface issues you find irritating, especially what outside influences outside of her work that has biased your opinion of her work, but I feel instead you should just

For OSC if that's your breaking point then, no reason to be upset. You know and have chosen to not support this particular art and that is perfectly reasonable. I made the same choice about endangered fish (except fresh water eel, I dig that hardcore), Monsanto products and Chick-fil-a. I however can't make that same

I had to rewrite this. Don't hurt the Art that's all I can say, especially if it's great art. No person is perfect and some can be awful, but never hurt the art. As for OSC and the movie pirate, maybe buy the dvd (only if it's good)

I have bought 5 replacement Nintendo GameCubes over the last few years and only because I have to play 3 games, which are Luigi's Mansion, Eternal Darkness and Windwaker. Totally worth every Gamecube purchased.

"There's not enough Female writers, directors, creative voices in the entertainment industry! Except we don't like Diablo Cody and Lena Dunham, because they are not the right kind of female voice."

Seriously people? Da fu... How does that even make any sense. Two people achieve a great amount of success and then you

Juno is amazing and I back you 100%