
You want to rail against the evils of Salafism or Wahhabism, or talk about the inherent oppressive nature of theocracies, great, but what you have right now is not a coherent argument.

It'll never happen until the Republicans decide to tame Fox News/Limbaugh/Glenn Beck. They've got a destructive co-dependent relationship going on.

Sarah Palin is proof of what happens when conservatives try to "shake things up." Same thing with Paul Ryan. It's always a losing move when your running mate is picked based on the amount of press coverage it will generate and not who you would want in the White House if you had a heart attack.

Rand Paul's filibuster got the GOP the most positive press it's seen in a decade. Libertarians are the future of the Republican party but changing the order in that thing is like turning a barge around.

Conservative politics is like a giant stable or beauty pageant. There's a distinct order to things. Liberal politics is essentially whoever shoves their way to the front. The cultural differences are actually quite fascinating.

Wow, could there be more stereotypes in one sentence?

Well obviously nobody's pro-disease, but you never hear about fastidious people compromising.

I'm all for equal share of housework, but I've never understood why the person with lower cleanliness standards has to adapt entirely to the person with higher cleanliness standards. Why can't fastidious types embrace the chaos?

I've noticed that as patriarchy becomes more and more threatened, masculinity becomes more and more retrograde. Self-restraint, refinement, and gentility used to be hallmarks of manliness. There's got to be a happy medium between the 1890's and Total Frat Move.

Does Jezebel really not pay you enough that you need to work two other jobs? Like what?

Feminism is still necessary because almost the entire development of Western thought and society happened when there were only men in the room, so it'll probably take another two thousand years to undo that.

"My theory is, Gen-Y and beyond have zero sense of the struggles their predecessors endured." And I wonder why feminism isn't popular among the kids?

"It is amazing that people bitch about how Jezebel and the rest of the Gawkerverse blogs don't do actual original reporting" I'm not one of those people. I come here strictly for the aggregation and the quality long-form pieces. Stupid shit like this is precisely the problem of for-profit journalism. I hate it when

"The term "feminist authorities" is downright offensive. Women (and men, and trans people) are allowed to seek support from those who they feel understand them and can offer appropriate advice. We don't know if the woman called Domino's herself, and in any case, we don't think it's weird when people who are ripped off

"The manager at the store Alice ordered from told us" "But when we called Alice's new friend" "Tim McIntyre, Vice President of Communications at Domino's Pizza, was able to quickly identify him" that makes it sound like Jezebel were the ones doing the calling.

"The manager at the store Alice ordered from told us" "But when we called Alice's new friend" "Tim McIntyre, Vice President of Communications at Domino's Pizza, was able to quickly identify him" that makes it sound like Jezebel were the ones doing the calling.

I do realize that, but it also seems that sketchiness thrives on ambiguity. And it seems like even if you're nonconfrontational, the danger is still present. I dunno.

Of course he deserves to get fired. My real question is why is Jezebel involved?

I just don't understand why Jezebel is playing feminist Batman over it is all.

I got that response a lot, but isn't it more threatening when he's actually at her house in her doorway?