Why the hell would you read the YT comments!?
Why the hell would you read the YT comments!?
Also blitzkrieg bop instead of gangsters paradise is a much better choice.
Can’t fail the Bechdel test if you don’t have women.
That looks way better then what it was before. Then again not a high bar to jump over.
I’ve been living my whole life hearing about millennials being lazy, entitled, and sensitive. Ok Boomer has at least 20 more years before we are even.
As long as Boomers act exaggeratedly offended when they hear it, OK Boomer will live on.
Zero-Swimsuit Samus begs to differ
The question you should be asking is “Are Smash Bros players, who span multiple countries across the globe and are of various ages and demographics, a monolithic hivemind entity?”
Well, we-I mean they! ... uh... the thing is... what you have to understand is... well... I mean... Honestly, what even is “happy” anyways?
OK...he has a pass to say that word, sure sure, but can he explain pairing it with “White power”?
Press F to Deadspin Forever.
Its weird how F went from meme, to ironic serious, to unironic, to this weird semi ironic meme which is sometimes serious depending on the situation.
yeah she looked a lot more interesting in the trailer, with the cape made of skin instead of this boring bat wings and the semi transparent skin. I guess in the trailer she’s still forming, you can see her heart at some point. I would have left her that way, more timeless and disturbing, now it’s just your average…
Wait. How’d she go from translucent blood lady in the trailer to white skinned succubi? Being made of blood >>>> malifacent
So this is just a Sexy Private Equity costume, right?
More interested in the sequel Deadspin 2 with all of the original characters
“A new cinematic trailer for the game showed a group of treasure hunters fighting against what could be demons, or private equity executives.”
Literal spit-take. I’ll send you the bill for a new keyboard since this one got coffee on it.
>A new cinematic trailer for the game showed a group of treasure hunters fighting against what could be demons, or private equity executives.
Based on the books where he carries one and leaves the other on the horse because he’s not fighting monsters every 10 minutes like the game.