
Janemba?  But I wanted another Goku, there aren’t enough of those.

...Are you implying that gamers aren’t aware of the fact that many companies are motivated by greed? Or that they’ll willingly shoot themselves in the foot for stupid shit like anti-piracy or “metrics”?

To be fair, they were only mighty for a brief period of time and were riding on their clout like a trust-fund kid for a good portion of the last decade. Even their “greats” were pretty flawed experiences that audiences(including myself) gave a pass, cause it was “Bethesda.

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I didn’t think that the discussion about sexualisation in video game was about womens self image. I don’t know any woman who likes video games who longs for looking like a pre-teen looking dragon girl who is secretly 1000 years old or having breasts so big that they take up the vast majority of their body.

I thought it

Mild Take: but The Inhumans have never been interesting by themselves, their entire concept has never really worked well enough for a stand-alone anything, and Marvel/The MCU pushing them forward because they had sold the rights to the X-Men and the word “Mutant” is arguably the worst thing to happen to the X-Men

I won a free Xbox One 1 from a thing at work last year and I was absolutely blown away by how hideous and clunky the dashboard was. I don’t know why MS is so terrible at making a half decent UI. I mean the PS4 one isn’t incredible but it’s leaps and bounds ahead.

With Shadowkeep looming, I know a few people that aren't willing to bother with getting a complete IB set of armor for that same reason.

I’m less inclined to get Mountaintop for fear that sometime in the future, Bungie will just nerf it or grenade launchers back down to not be meta or boss-melting weapons again. Which is why I’m aiming for Recluse instead.

It was one of the pinnacle weapons from last season and the main reason people want it now is because it’s part of the meta for raids and such for damage dealing the bosses. Grenade launchers recently got a 50% buff to damage to make them more viable so now a straight firing, spike grenades grenade launcher in a Luna W

If any game deserved to be priced at $80, it was The Witcher 3, and yet they still made a shit ton of money at the $60 price point. The $59.99 price tag is not the problem. The insane salaries of these CEOs and the demands of stockholders is. Bobby Kotick is the devil of the games industry, but he’s hardly alone in

I may just be cynical, but I don’t think it’ll solve the problem. It has been definitively proven people will buy season passes, pay for micro-transactions, etc. All of those things make these companies money. They’re not going to just stop doing them unless legislated to stop (which carries its own hazards and

I’d pay $70 ($80 might be stretching it right now) for games if that was the standard cost and included all DLC for free and had no microtransactions - you know, how games used to be. I would think charging $70 for everyone would more than make up for charging $60 + the percentage of players who buy the DLC.

Arctic is burning. Amazon is being cut down at an incredible rate. Hurricanes are dropping more water as the climate changes. Unplanned Medical services can financial cripple a large chunk of Americans. Wages haven’t gone up in years. And I got an headache.

Since launch, every new hero has been black, a woman, a robot, a hamster, or a combination thereof. What’s your problem?

there’s always one 

Marvel was a bit sneaky—or clever, depending on your patience for Hollywood big dick contests—releasing an “extended” cut a few weeks back to trick ticket buyers into watching a not-fully-rendered Hulk. If Cameron was annoyed by the stunt, he isn’t showing it.

In any event, both movies suck balls as movies, so we’re suckers either way.