I’m a woman. Even with medium-sized boobs, the simple act of running can be painful. It makes no sense for Tifa’s big tits to be unrestrained and flopping all over the place while she’s doing martial arts and other athletic activities.
I’m a woman. Even with medium-sized boobs, the simple act of running can be painful. It makes no sense for Tifa’s big tits to be unrestrained and flopping all over the place while she’s doing martial arts and other athletic activities.
Why are they making such a point to say that the loot boxes “are fun and enjoyable for people”? It’s not like that was ever part of this legal discussion. When I was in court for *allegedly* selling crack to 12 year olds I wasn’t all “but you know your honor, the kids really enjoy crack, it makes em feel good.”
Why can people not understand the difference between physical and digital? Is the concept so hard to grasp. When you buy a physical item, you own it. It’s yours to do with what you will. Digital items are “licensed”, you don’t own them, you cannot do what you want with them. They hold no post purchase value.
Baseball cards post odds of getting types of cards on the box or pack. I don’t play FIFA but is it possible to purchase individual player cards, via EA or an open market? Because you can also do that with collectible sports cards. Also, if Topps stops supporting/creating a type of card, the cards I purchased don’t…
It’s exactly what I wanted it to be. There was no need to reinvent the wheel here, this particular wheel works great. More wheels please.
There’s a massive difference in creating fan art and asking to get credit for your interpretation of that fan art and some rich chode reposting art and FLAT OUT REFUSING to credit the artist especially when he literally has to pay a settlement from doing the same thing to another person.
Most artists in the industry of…
You’ll see a lot of that in NES games because they got only four screens worth of graphics data for their entire game, but color changing, rotation and inversion are “free” in terms of graphics size. so if you can make some compromises in design to allow a sprite to pull double, or even triple-duty without it being…
Don’t forget “greedy” devs as well! Good lord “gamers” are such morons these days... even more so than usual.
It’s so sad that an article like this has to be filled with so many “This isn’t laziness” qualifications, because gamer culture has devolved so badly into a state of “UGH LAZY GAME DEVS” idiocy in the last decade or so.
More importantly, more reasons for you to feel smug about it and tell everyone.
If you say so. What have they made?
In even bigger news, Amazon has a games division.
citation needed
They still just look like the stunt doubles to me, and they can’t avoid that joke simply because they decided to go with the original MCU set (Minus Hawkeye for some reason). I’ll stick with Marvel Ultimate Alliance, which has way more variety and characters I actually WANT to play.
“After Tony finished clearing out his section of the bridge, the Marvel’s Avengers demo did another quick-cut between characters, unceremoniously tossing our vantage point up into a jet with Black Widow and Bruce Banner, the latter of whom rose from his chair and hopped out of the jet to transform into the Hulk and…
He wants applause for ‘making it real’, except a few moments thinking about it reveals how dumb and shallow it is compared to reality, then it’s not really ‘real’, it’s just a game.
How the hell do you make a game this supposedly real, in this day and age, and actually manage to convince yourself that it’s A: apolitical entertainment or B: something that you can actually try to “BOTH SIDES” every approach and ask your player to have to really wrestle with the things they do in the game? Is there…
“This is a fictionalized world,” he said. “This is not real life. This is not real politics. This is not even a real country in the world. So, no. These events are not specific to any real-world research. What this is, is an entertainment product with a fictional story.” But, I asked, it’s a story that is intended to…