
You say “lots” yet I only count about 10 employees that left over two years. Give or take 5 more. For a company that currently has 750 employees (per Wikipedia), that doesn’t seem like very many at all.

Don’t you think “lots” is a tad bit of hyperbole? I know if we had 15 employees leave over two years, it would be

Man, I really like this. A lot. So odd in a very cool way.

The answer is always, “No.”.

There was no way Niantic would allow anyone to capture legendaries this early in the game’s lifetime. The devs need a hook to get people to come back or be more engaged in the future once new features come out. Once group battles are online, as teased in the proof of concept video, is when I think they’ll allow them

I thought this was because of some DDoS attack that some “PoodleSquad” has claimed to of done.

My God, the wave of nostalgia that just washed over me when thinking about “The Power of One”.

One reason why you may not be seeing that 3 pawprint Pokemon is because the servers aren’t updating your nearby chart fast enough. I’ve noticed that if my entire chart is full of 3 pawprint Pokemon, it’s bugged. I close the app, reopen it, and find out there were only two Weedles nearby with 1 pawprint.

Oops! you are correct about the Pokestops. My fault!

- Obtain a Lucky Egg
- Gather as many low level Pokemon as possible (Pidgey, Caterpie, Weedle work the best)
- Have an incubated Egg that is about to hatch

Use the Lucky Egg to now get doulbe XP for 30min. Walk to hatch the egg. The hatched egg(s) should net you 1000XP each (or more depending if you have that Pokemon in

I am perfectly fine with this game starting small and building on itself overtime. I’m already having fun now, so in the coming months, it’ll only get better.

It feels good knowing these guys are getting exposed for their baffling choices and potentially facing real consequences for it.

Regardless, guess I better brush up on the good word of Arceus, our lord and savior.

Yea.... my friends and I have already sworn off this game, and we each got the Gold Edition - what a poor decision that was. Despite all the hate it gets, I still vastly prefer Destiny over The Division. I know they are two different games, but there is something about the fantasy and lore in Destiny I can get behind

Heh, touche. Although, I would not underestimate the free time kids have.

As an adult, that child-like wonder of wondering around aimlessly to see what’s around the next corner has never left, but been dormant. It ekes out every now and then when hanging with the right people at the right time, but never fully gets a chance to shine - due to “responsibilities”.

The Internet never ceases to amaze me.

I really love Tabata after this interview but man, that E3 demo was cringe worthy at best. I might actually consider waiting for reviews before buying if that battle is indicative of how the player acquires summons throughout the game.

Now playing

Polygon (your compadres?) just posted the stampede that was running to check out the newest Zelda. That line is just ungodly long.

Also, “Praise the Sun”.

This has a ways to come out, right? It looks.... rough.

Yep. Last years conference had the same lack luster feel. They want to have their own presence but yet have nothing to fill the time.