This is meh

Well, you spend it all anyway on online services and more expensive games.

You my friend are in the market for a Nokia.

Reddit: It's how Gawker Media sites find content.

do you really thing terrorists are that stupid to use the internet or talk about planned attacks on the phone just as the gouvernment wants us to beliefe?

Keeping guns from the "mentally ill" is a very tricky idea to propose. Yes people that are legitimately crazy should not own firearms but when you allow a doctor to decide who gets and who doesn't get their constitutional rights then you are sliding down a slippery slope (excuse the overused phrase).

"Fewer firearms equals fewer five year olds shooting themselves in the face because their parents are idiots who don't store their firearms in a safe and effective manner. Is that such a bad thing?" -> Natural Selection.

This would of not happened if cities just did not outlaw guns. Keep drinking the coolaid that cities with strict gun laws reduce crime. Not a single study has confirmed that as true.

why not show screenshots of Tomb Raider 1, 2 or 3 or Quake 2 PS1 compared to PC with a 3dFX card, and the accelerator cards were hardware made for games, your comment is still wrong!

Er, my PC has HDMI out too you know. Wireless keyboard and mouse and a 360 controller. I play on a 55 HDTV from time to time too. So whats the advantage again?

uh, no. the 780 GTX just came out so unless SONY has a time machine its impossible. the 7800 series is technically 10 (yes a full TEN) GPU cycles behind the 780 GTX. Nvidia naming conventions go from 200-9800 with every 100 being a different/newer model line. They introduce about 1.5 generations per year so that

PC hardware superiority has been a given 6 months after eveyr new console generation.

The PC version will look better than the console version? WTF?! When is this ever the case?

This pales in comparison to the never-ending Facebook posts of someone who just had their first kid.

I actually love Cleveland. Big city feel without all the fucking people, most people are really friendly and the food is great if you find local stuff.

"its becoming a pain in the ass."

Then understand that we are VERY RIGHTFULLY outraged because what we do know is not good, and what the feds are saying isn't exactly giving a lot of confidence in them.

The thing is though is did removing backwards compatibility really drop the price of the PS3? I don't think so as they started taking away features such as the memory card reader and then a majority of the USB ports that were made available. I don't think that they should release an adapter to make the system

I refuse to beg R* for a PC version. Probably gonna skip this one if it does not come out for pc

But iPhone users don't need widgets. They've been telling Android users this for years. :)