This is meh

ast I checked tanks are a piece of technology. It just so happens that they're being used to blow up rebels. And the photog caught an awesome shot of the horrors of war.

Yep thermal capacity for the rads. Thanks.

Well, the hardware build is pretty much done. I picked the 7950 over comparable Nvidia cards because apparently the new 7000 series AMD cards are far better on power consumption. My research showed that the 7950 had comparable power consumption to the 5770 it replaced. And I suppose I could probably upgrade the chip

Yeah XFX put a really solid nice double fan aluminum heatsink on it, but the place I referenced earlier says the SKU will work with it's waterblock for the ref design, so I assume it's reference.

Eh, they should probably learn how to code up their websites. I'm willing to bet it was a webserver that went down. They use Drupal for all their sites, and they implement poorly.

Thanks. Yeah I saw the cooling configurator site listed universal ones. I wish they just had dimensions posted somewhere though, so I could get a reference of just how high over the card edge the connectors stick up, and where in relation to the end of the PCIe slot they are. From there I can get my clearances roughed

I've got an XFX FX-795A-TDBC. Googling has gotten me to, and apparently will work with it.

Right, that's what I've gathered so far from my mild research into the topic. I'm OK with disassembling things, but it seems difficult to even get the info I need to make an informed purchase.

Ok I get it, letter of the law and all that, is why you came to your decision. But what's your opinion on patents like the '721 Slide to Unlock patent? Don't you feel at least a little odd about granting a billion and change to a company because somehow they managed to get the Patent Office to let them patent sliding

How hard is it to add your GPU into the loop as well?

I dropped the loot on a Polk Audio SurroundBar 50 a few years ago, and it's connected to a Pioneer 7.1 receiver along with a 12" Polk sub. I think it was worth the money. It's loud and sounds great, and does a pretty good job approximating surround. Also made receiver setup easy as I didn't have to run the setup where

So is this Xbox Live app the new GWFL app? I don't care what they call it, as long as they finally get GFWL to not suck harder than a bunch of prostitutes. It's made me stop playing GTA4 on my PC because I've gotten sick of typing in my password everytime even though I tell GWFL to save it and autologon.

Nah, that isn't really trolling. It's legit. The iSheep have slammed Android for having to deal with a million different screen sizes for years now. Well it's slowly but surely becoming an iOS problem too. Of course, there's only unicorns and rainbows inside the iSheep reality distortion field, so I'm sure it'll

Don't get me started about Win 8. I want to go back to M$'s campus and track down Ballmer and just scream at him. It annoys me so much about how they are blatantly starting to copy Apple's walled garden scheme and "one way to do things only" ideas when it comes to UX. I like the idea of Metro, but I sure as hell don't

So, Apple takes away functionality, and the iSheep just sheepishly find a sorta halfassed workaround with magnets and odd screen configs. Nice.

Eh, right idea, but your infographic used shit statistics to support your silently implied point - (Apple is good for workers in China). They're shit because you're comparing one company which operates in a specific sector of the economy versus entire national averages. Doing so is going to give you freedom to cherry

True. But they just changed patent law in the US to match the rest of the world. So it's no longer "First to Invent" but now "First to apply" (There's better terms for this, but this is how it works). Have those in the jailbreak community applied for the patent? Otherwise, either one could likely patent it and sue. If

I'm pretty sure that's not entirely true. Android doesn't become "Open Source" until Google sees fit to release it to the AOSP. So the community doesn't get its hands on the code until it goes gold on a Nexus device. This is also why the AOSP never has had Honeycomb source in its repository, Google never open sourced

No. Just no dude.

There definitely is a market - It's pretty much my dream phone.