
We have tragically minute sensory organs, in comparison to all the stimuli the universe creates.

nothing more than theories.

The same with Black Holes. Also my favorite argument against people who argue you can't prove God exists. If something interacts with the universe, you can detect it.

Can we get it without the backing track? It just makes it hard to actually hear.

My favorite is the "Deckard is Gaff" theory. We learn that in order for Rachel to not know she was a replicant, she was implanted with Tyrell's niece's memories. So if Deckard is a replicant, whose memories does he have? The obvious answer is the guy who seems to be able to read Deckard's mind.

They even called it Daedalus instead of Prometheus...

...they are absolutely assumed to be consistent across the universe. Even the math defining where and why they break down is physics.

I've always thought it was a bit absurd not to expect intelligence to be similar across species, local coevolution or alien coevolution.

Orphan Black (and White)?

I think you misunderstood me mate.

When they are thinking critically about their own religion, acceptance of science will come more easily.

Did you even read what he wrote? Teaching kids to read the Bible with a critical mind would do more for their reasoning skills than any number of science classes would do. One teaches a person to properly examine their beliefs, the other just tells them they're wrong. Which one do you think would work better, really?

You made the claim that it's bigger, so how about proving that? ;)



While still maintaining all the things that make PC gaming indisputably superior to consoles like upgrades, cheap games, free online and resolutions higher than 720p.

I like how you say "I'm done" about 12 times and keep coming back.

Now playing

I'm sorry, I love George Takei, but after that scene, I would be perfectly happy with John Cho.