
Thing is, Epic would NEVER create characters, dialogue, and a setting so incredibly unique and over the top. I'm sure those skull shooting mechanics would be more sound, but I think core gamers tend to be more forgiving when it comes to truly unique experiences. Such as the ones found in Suda's efforts. It's

I think a movie like this would be incredibly important, but this seems a bit heavy handed.

Train robber and whiskey thief? Is this 1890?

I'll tell you what I don't play when I want to relax. Starcraft 2. No game has ever caused so much stress. Relaxation games tend to be single player story driven experiences, or puzzle games. Nothing that requires too much critical thinking or twitch mechanics.

Please educate yourself before posting. Thank you.

Stop posting. Start RTS-ing.

I don't know why people think Activision has any muscle when it comes to Blizzard games. They don't. It's a merger.

This looks MUCH more interesting than WoL. Nerd chills!

You know they're going to have to give her back. It's not going to end happily ever after.

There are plenty of creative ways. Record your record on tape and press really nice vinyl packages. Include exclusive and appealing tracks/merchandise with your album. Include codes for further digital content. This record would have sold tons even if Amazon charged $10, though. It's Lady Gaga.

The physical media is not what costs labels money. The amount spent on advances, recording costs, cowrites, production, mastering, marketing, radio campaigns. Whether it's on a disc, or in digital format does not matter.

I don't understand how the consumer is stupid here. They get a record they might be even marginally interested in for a dollar.

Vita was my old friend's mother's name. I will forever associate this name with a man demanding dinner when he arrives home from making White Castle buns at the White Castle factory.

How can you possibly hate what they did with her? She's as multi-dimensional as ever. You know she's going to have a bone to pick with Mengsk, and she ain't gonna be that gung-ho Ghost solider after he brethren left her to die. All these people that hated WoL...I don't know where else they expected Blizzard to take

They have the exclusive to the trailer, so no.

You must not be a Starcraft fan.

I think the Swarm are only going to get more vicious and unpredictable without Kerrigan. The Prototss mini campaign alluded that Kerrigan needed to be with the Zerg for humanity to survive...I bet Raynor has to reluctantly give her back to the Swarm in some twisted event. Mengsk obviously sent Nova to kill her, and

Heart of the Swarm impressions please. Thank you!

There's a bit of an uncanny valley situation going on here. Ultra realistic faces, with current gen body animations. Especially when you're fighting or scripting some kind of movement up a ladder or around a corner, it's as if a real humans face is stuck on a robot.

There have been a few times I have had to read emails or personal correspondence in a subway, in line for something, at a crowded bar, etc...