@Rockapotamus: I'm not familiar with the graphics card, but my iMac is only slightly better than that and it runs on OSX fairly well on Medium settings. However, if I bootcamp to WinXP, I can run it at high settings no problem.
@Rockapotamus: I'm not familiar with the graphics card, but my iMac is only slightly better than that and it runs on OSX fairly well on Medium settings. However, if I bootcamp to WinXP, I can run it at high settings no problem.
@out-phaze: If you're really looking for the game to tell you what you did wrong, then maybe you're playing the wrong game, man. Replays are available after you lose...you can just check out what the player did. Most times its painfully obvious why you lost.
@Wei Wang: + 1
@Zimmbous: You're right, man. I think Terran macro is pretty tough. Zerg only have one unit producing structure. For all intents and purposes, your hotkeys for a three-base Zerg are less than a one-base Terran. Once you get really good though, Terran can absolutely murder Zerg with a careful slow mech push.
@Kent: It's not, really, :-/
@MrCompletely: Hitting Tab or clicking is just as confusing. The best thing I've learned is to build your tech lab units first, and then follow up with the vanilla units.
@Jesse Astle: The single player campaign is a great starting point. There are custom matches vs the computer, and challenges to prepare you for multiplayer. There is also a 50 match practice league. Sure your first 5 matches may be tough, but you'll be placed in a low league with players who are just as confused as…
@Sundeiru: I love when people cannon up. I then take the entire map and roll in with max carriers and a mothership (Units I never get to use in more aggressive matches)
@Nethlem: I completely agree with you. Macro is certainly more important than micro. 99% of the time, the larger army wins. As long as you can keep your money low, and keep building SOMETHING, you'll be okay, generally.
@Southrncomfortjm: Don't give up so easily man. If you can master even the most simple form of macro play, you can totally roll a ton of players trying fancy openers. Don't focus on strategy until you've got your macro and control groups down, and I guarantee you'll start winning immediately. Don't forget, "counters"…
@Curiously Flamboyant Sheep: Strange, I love PvZ. Zerg players tend to early expand. Try a four-gate push as soon as warp gates finish. Even if they go early one-base roaches, you'll usually have the stalker mobility and force field by that time.
@aNiMeMaN14: I still think there's a place for casual players in SCII. Even on Battle.net.
@Eternal: I couldn't disagree more. If you scout and know what your opponent is doing, Terran air is fine. Vikings have an insane range 9, and can also be ground support units. They actually do just about as much damage as a hydralisk. Terran is definitely the most equipped to deal with any situation. Especially in…
@ddmeightball: Yeah, these aren't bound to your character in any way. It's all game-specific.
@MrCompletely: Exactly. It gets fuzzy when you group buildings with tech labs and reactors though. The game seems to queue up the wrong units sometimes. You have to get used to building tech lab units first, or create a whole other sub group for different add ons.
@ddmeightball: It's a fairly simple concept. You select a group of units, or buildings you want to control at one time, and then hit Control + a number on the top of your keyboard. For instance, the first thing I do after begining to mine, is select my command center, and hit Control + 4. Now when I want to build an…
@Avinant: It's the only way to survive man. When you go in for an attack, and you're dealing with the battle, you've gotta have forces ready back at your base for a second push, or defense if your army gets rocked and your opponent decides to push.
@theweakend: I'd agree with that statement. One unit producing structure, fast armies, easy expansions. With that said, at high levels, Zerg players certainly have a hard time beating Terran macro-masters, and early Protoss 4 gate pushes.
@hoboninjapirate: You'll love it, promise :)
I disagree with the assessment of the Protoss. No weakness? How about their insanely expensive units? Or the fact that an EMP shockwave can halve the lives of chunks of armies?