And for the low low price of .01 cent I can make a president of the USA decide my fate.
And for the low low price of .01 cent I can make a president of the USA decide my fate.
Someone get Kojima a star.
Next step? Working at Apple on the next iPhone?
The sad thing is George doesn't understand the genius of the first edit. Han shooting first makes him a much more complex and interesting character. The best thing to ever happen to George Lucas was to film his movies with no money. It was the best editor he ever didn't hire.
Apparently there's a batch going out earlier, if you were one of the first to order. I'm in the same boat as you unfortunately, and I ordered a month ago.
Wait, wait, wait! There's a Trolling Community? Like they hang out somewhere and talk about their trolling and organize trolling campaigns? That's the big news in this article.
Tell me it was the old telephone cradle style. I was always drooling over those, but they were outrageously expensive.
That's awesome. It doesn't seem like you get much opportunity to do fun hardware stuff like that anymore.
Lol, I can remember oohing and ahhing over a 9600 baud. #FirstWorldProblems
I absolutely LOVE these bowls! I use them for absolutely everything. The only thing I found that will stain them is when you make wood stain from vinegar and steel wool. It gave them a nice brownish tint. (The wife was a little pissed, but gave me an excuse to buy more) Otherwise they're almost indestructible.
Saw the picture and got excited thinking it was a Lytro tear down.
The strongest magnets in your house are in your computer. Tear apart an old hard drive some time and check it out.
Agreed. I had never seen that particular photo before, but it becomes horrifying and yet so much more is that man not screaming?
Someone get a Wilford Brimley reference in here! STAT!
Looks like the guy's having fun, which is the point. And if it riled a fan-boy, even better! I'm an ass that way.
This one doesn't release until almost March, Lytro's a month later...that was my first thought as well.
Why doesn't the Lytro sit in this spot?
You've always had to pay a premium for bleeding edge technology - especially Apple's bleeding edge technology. Wait until you start seeing it in Sony and other laptops. You'll see the prices drop dramatically fairly quickly. As I recall USB 1.0 devices were ridiculously expensive when they first released, and I…
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement during my recovery. I'll take your advice to heart. I'm taking this one step at a time.
Only you can stop Kanye Passion Disease (KPD) from spreading. By simply listening to 1 less Kanye rant a day you too can be KPD free in a matter of weeks. Please, if not for yourself, but for the children.