Anyone else think it's weird that it's easier to find pictures of Scarlett Johansson naked than it is to get good pictures of Burning Man? I thought it was a freedom festival?
Anyone else think it's weird that it's easier to find pictures of Scarlett Johansson naked than it is to get good pictures of Burning Man? I thought it was a freedom festival?
Lol, sounds familiar, but I call that 'Tuesday'.
Wait, I'm confused. I thought the world was only 3,000 years old. The Bible's got some splainin' to do.
His use of the word 'insane' brought it home particularly for me. It reminded me just how young these two men are, were when they basically changed the world.
This was better the first time. This time he just kind 'liked' lock picking.
No, we're legit here when we max out our credit cards and declare bankruptcy. Which war are we looking at? War on obesity (We lost), War on drugs (Not only do we lose we continue to fund them so we lose a little more every day), War on greed (Lose again)...We lose a little every day from lots of things. But…
No stupidity at all. Just having fun, but please feel free to America bash, we could use some more humble pie.
Again, the only time the French can win a war is when they fight themselves.
Will they continue to accept donations? As I'm just going to keep sending them in. Makes for a great tax write-off.
Trolling for fun and profit! Yay!
FFOD = Frowny Face of DOOM!!!
Dude, that is totally not where you picked me up and carried me. I recognize my foot steps.
Nice placement on the Gorilla Glass add.
$300 milliion, that's like 300 ScyFy movies. Sweet, I'm really looking forward to OctoShark Vs. LepreToad!!!!
Genius! Then reality sets in once I think about the number of false alarms that are generated every is generally the color of police outfits, right?
Get me a Republican Presidential candidate that doesn't fix this article and you've got an argument. Until then Republicans == illogical. The Republican candidate should represent their constituency. By that logic...sigh... I'd actually consider voting Republican if they could keep their religion out of politics,…
Lol, yes, we do pay our police. However, Ham radio operators regularly practice with police and other emergency services as backup if main communication tools fail.
As the old joke goes...How cheap was it?
The Ham radio is very much in use and very much needed. It's likely what emergency crews used yesterday when the earthquake knocked out cell coverage.