
Try a Fox and Hound - much cheaper in the long run.

Kwame, your article could have been written 30 years ago. The pundits back then said the same thing about early versions of the PC.

I'm with you, I think I've found the mother of my children.

Think of a pretty white polar bear.

"during Fishbowl Bluegill in Oct. 1962" ...Goonie goo goo, wtf does Goonie goo go mean Gus?

Thank you all, that really did clear it up!

Could we get a Gizmodo article defining the exact differences between a Mini-gun, Chaingun and a Gatling gun? As far as I can tell they're all the same thing. Multi-barrel chained ammo fed high output (In the 3000+ rpm range) lead wall creators.

This is the same Sam Biddle that's been known to wear this? And he's not cool with an LED lighting up on his jacket?! I mean, that's like putting lasers on the head of a freakin' shark kind of cool.

Should we form a club, or a help group?

QaDaffy won't let them have any...hold onto your 2nd amendment rights people!

The whole point of the internet was to be a redundant data network that couldn't be compromised by removing a single, or even more, links. I don't think these countries got the message. Someone get these guys a router and some BGP lessons.

Yeah, the dark ages were pretty sweet.

Love a good Buckaroo Banzai reference!!!

birth control

Next up on Tosh.O "Is it racist" segment...

Isn't that Carrot Top?

I've got a curl to my lips because I'm glad Steve didn't win the PC war...he could be charging us to view your website right now...

The cheery Gizmodo at the end is...appropriate...

When the 'Signs' aliens and Wicked Witch of the West team up this guy could actually be useful.

Congrats Gizmodo, from favorite to least favorite site in less than 24 hours. Just love all the new adds that cover the story images, but my favorite new feature is scrolling in the story window and watching them all go away...