
@Everybody: It is there, and it stinks next to Carcassone and the Small World board games. I keep hoping they'll improve it once they see how these games should really play out.

The vuvuzela, like birth control for future sporting events in South Africa.

And how much in debt is Illinois right now?

Ever been to a UPS distribution center? That's about as nice as it gets. Hence all the packing foam...

@coketown: Best commenter post ever.

Remember when any Lego set could build anything, not just one specific thing?

They make music videos interesting again. Very cool!

@MacPro66: As I recall it contained a model of the Enterprise from last year's Star Trek movie. Gizmodo painted it up and it was displayed as part of an exhibit when the movie released.

Is this to be an empathy test? Capillary dilation of the so-called blush response? Fluctuation of the pupil. Involuntary dilation of the iris.

Is there an app for iPhone that does the same thing without paying the ridiculously fee for MobileMe?

@Yerzriknot: I'll second that! Anyone know where I can find Christmas Leia?

@CraigJ: I guess I shouldn't harass. After all I've spent an obscene amount of money on a Jeep that gets 12 miles to the gallon and can barely carry two people. #leicam7hermes

@CraigJ: Paying $14k for for a $5k camera is a bit extreme. If you've got the money, great. Tell you what. You give me the cash. I buy a $5k version and really make it custom. Then I give $8 grand to a charity that needs to feed people. #leicam7hermes

If you buy one of these you've got a serious problem...and did I mention I have some beach front property in Arizona to sell? Extremely rare. The property even matches your shoes. #leicam7hermes

@met2art: I'm confused. Is it the injured old lady or my dead hookers I'm feeling guilty about? Life is hard. #googlestreetview

@Thinger: Oops, that should be 'release it' not 'is'...that's just nasty... #ropidrobot

@jrghoull: I'm sure it will be spendy, but i can see it doing things like: Kick the dog off the couch, Or, kick the dog's ball around, Get me a beer (With the assistance of a tiny beerbarrow of course), Find my phone\keys\etc..., oooh, what if it could get me some jujubees while I'm in the theatre and don't want to