
You know orange doesn't flatter me.

True enough. But we do know this: 2 people went to Craigslist to find a person to have sex with them (mistake #1). One of them was 8 months pregnant and probably not very able to defend herself from a wacko (mistake #2) and her baby daddy was all fine with the Craigslist plan (mistake #3). And on and on and on . . . .

Tortellini al Forno [equals not] Il Fornio

  • Dark-colored underwear will obviously show under white pants. Any patterns, pastel and even white underwear easily show through as well.

Like they couldn't find someone to have sex with without advertising for it? Oh, nevermind. I forgot she was 8 months pregnant. How damn sad is this story?

Apparently these 2 didn't know that

In the interests of being politically correct, I hope they also make a version of these for the gals who have had hysterectomies . . . .

Somebody ought to be!

Craigslist's online sex personals sections

"in a windowless dining room with a handful of older couples"

How many cats will it take 'til we know, that too many mice have died? The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind , . . .

"I should look happy at the bitter end?"

Well, this bodes well for the folks who pass out near the solar LED lights on their lawns after a pint or two at the pub. Cheaper, too.

The quote was from my response to you at 8:11 pm yesterday.

My quote was sent to you at 8:11 yesterday.

Say what, Erin Gloria Ryan?

Laughed out loud when I read your name, HolyPoopBalls!

You shouldn't have kids if you don't want to but hopefully some peoples' kids will put us on a better track for the future.

Powerful image.