
I think two of Brosnan’s Bond films are good (GoldenEye and The World Is Not Enough), while the other two are quite bad.

8K might be it for a long time, at least. As a broadcast TV standard, it’s been in the works since the 1990s, so this is the culmination of three decades of research and development—4K, if anything, was always meant to be a transitional standard on the road to 8K, which is why I have been sitting on my decade-old

Additionally, Adobe will block Flash content from running in Flash Player beginning January 12, 2021 to “help secure users’ systems,” it says.

Now “creativity” is skinning an off the shelf component library and adding some parallax scrolling effects for that “wow factor”.

I mean, I didn’t install Catalina until a month ago. There’s every reason to wait until most of the bugs are ironed out and third-party software compatibility catches up—no one really “needs” to upgrade to Big Sur in two days.

Funny you mention that. A GPS rollover issue that would have crippled my old iPhone 4S received one last iOS 9 update in 2019 to fix it—three years after its last supported update.

It’s what narcissistic psychopaths do best.

Bankruptcy is a regular fixture of American business, and, frankly, the economy would be much worse if we didn’t have it—a certain element of “risk” is what makes the American economy so productive and wealthy, and part of that is accepting that a certain percentage of failure and bankruptcy is inevitable.

Thanks!  Yes, I would purchase an unlocked model in this situation.

Potentially silly question: I have a nice legacy LTE plan that isn’t offered anymore, and I have no need for 5G at the moment. Most likely, could I get one of these phones, pop my existing SIM card in it and it would just work on LTE as before, or would I be forced to “upgrade” to a new phone plan to use it?

Let’s be honest with ourselves: even if Trump has this, he will have limitless access to world-class healthcare and treatments that the rest of us might not get, and it won’t cost him a cent. He will survive this, then claim that the pandemic and lockdown measures are a “hoax/liberal conspiracy” and be more

Presumably, though, you’re still going out in public periodically to run errands. Even if you’re taking all COVID-19 precautions seriously, there’s still a chance that you could get it (it’s a question of lower-risk, not zero-risk). Getting a flu vaccine means helping to not clog up already strained medical resources

China has been leveraging the United States’ retreat from the world stage to take control of, subvert, and distort many important international organizations. This is a problem.

They can act like the goddamn opposition and loudly propose opposing legislation. “Working with Republicans” has been a fool’s errand for 50 years, and it has made Democrats look weak every time they’ve tried and inevitably failed.

It would be great if iOS devices could be like macOS computers: use the App Store, sure, but you can also install whatever you want outside of it. iPhones and iPads are woefully limited, and are basically expensive toys since Apple only sees these devices as cash cows instead of computers. Meanwhile, most Android

The problem, I think, is that 50 years of leftists—not just in the U.S., but worldwide—are far more comfortable with being “the opposition” instead of “the government.” The former is considerably sexier (with loud protests and activism) than the latter, which often involves a bunch of unglamorous meetings with

The simultaneous advancement of video camera technology and computer power has just as much to do with this shift. Traditionally, productions would have to choose between high-quality film, which was more expensive and somewhat difficult to use, or video, which was much cheaper and far more flexible, but had

Lycos, Yahoo, Excite,, AltaVista, HotBot...

In Canada, it’s now gauche to want anything but a very modest subsistence level life.