
I know some people are hesitant about these updates, so I’ll mention that I’m running iOS 12.4 on a 6S, and it works flawlessly.

That’s because, whether you’re Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell or Nancy Pelosi, the only two things they care about are re-election and fundraising. The GOP has learned that far-right nationalism drums up votes and money, so of course they’re going with it.

Now is Canadian nice a case of being actually nice? Or is it like midwest nice, which is just a bunch of surface nice?

I cannot comment on Tim Pool specifically. However, it is quite possible to be right-wing—even far-right—and support a massive expansion of the welfare state. This is quite often the case in Europe, where Poland and Hungary’s far-right governments have largely pursued policies of, as one would expect, social

I think Democrats need to start being more specific about how they intend to implement their promises. Plans like national healthcare and free college tuition are achievable—the former is ubiquitous everywhere else in the first world and the latter exists in certain European nations—but if you don’t come out and say

What Is the Point of the Melania Trump Statue?

The issue with this is that the Democratic and Republican parties underwent a large realignment post-1968. The GOP very specifically crafted the so-called Southern Strategy” to appeal to rural white Southerners who were decades-long conservative Democratic voters who were displeased with the civil rights laws of the

Thanks for the honest response. What is your view on, say, the Scandinavian Nordic Model, where politicians there would say that they’re social/liberal democrats (i.e., capitalists with a strong welfare state) and not socialists? Is this a model that you believe America should seek to emulate?

So you’ve highlighted everything you dislike about far left. How do you define “liberal Democrat” (as you describe yourself) and what would your ideal policy platform look like?  I would like to know what you’re “for,” rather than what you’re “against.”

In my experience, being in as good of shape as someone like GQ’s Mick Rouse, you quite literally need to do everything right: you need a near-perfect diet (which his present diet is), a consistent workout routine that is a mixture of weights and cardio (for me, maybe an hour a day 3-4 times a week), and—often

Broccoli is, by far, my favorite vegetable. I’ve been eating tons of it this spring.

I’m saying this as more of a precaution: in Canada, particularly since race doesn’t figure prominently in politics up here, after enough time and settling in from generations of immigrants, you can’t just assume that people of color are going to vote leftist by default forever.

Not to mention the marketing involved to convince adults that ranch dressing was healthy in the first place. Vegetables are naturally low-calorie, while the dressing just turns it into a calorie-filled junk food like nearly everything else.

I didn’t mind the FFXIII combat system (which was improved in XIII-2), but if FFXV had combined the combat of Nier: Automata with XII-style gambits for the non-player characters, I think it would have been a pretty fine action RPG.

I got mine for free back in the day. It was bundled with the purchase of a PS4.

I got mine for free back in the day. It was bundled with the purchase of a PS4.

It is a Canadian TV show, and it may perhaps be the nicest, most conflict-free show you could ever watch.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this was blatant spin on his part, largely because this is what narcissists do.  Just when you think you’ve got that “gotcha” moment, narcissists spin and shift the goalposts just so they can claim a win--even if that “win” is merely pissing off liberals by appearing unbothered.

Historically, the U.S. has alternated through periods of extreme religiosity and agnosticism/atheism. Is it perhaps in our nature to rebel against the values of the previous generation? This is ultimately why I’m skeptical about predictions of “the end of religion,” because we’ve gone through this cycle many times

500 years is a hell of a long time, more than enough to create new cultural traditions. The European discovery of the Americas profoundly changed the way the world ate, so much that the way the world used to eat would be possibly quite foreign to us (just take a look at Roman and Medieval cuisine sometime).

It’s because the 2020 election is around the corner. Trump has high unfavorables while simultaneously having a very devoted base, so to try and remove uncertainty, they want to turn this into a “culture war” election. If 2004 was all about gay marriage bans to drive conservative voter turnout (since Bush was similarly