Bad food is like drugs
Bad food is like drugs
Costco might not be interested in selling to Amazon, whereas Amazon might not be interested in buying them. Their approach to labor relations are vastly different, which I imagine would be a major sticking point for both companies.
HFCS is very commonly used in Canada too, although ingredient labels call it “glucose-fructose.”
Unplugging everything was a ritual growing up in a rural area where my house was surrounded by flat farmland and the tallest object in the area was our outdoor TV antenna. And, yes, it was struck about a dozen times over the years.
Legislative term limits seem nice on paper, but, as anyone who lives in a state with legislative term limits realizes, it generally leads to the body becoming a revolving door of corporate lobbyists (either from existing lobbyists doing a political stint for their employer or politicians angling for a lobbyist job…
Here’s something people don’t think about much: Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Donald Trump were all born in the same year—1946—and all a month apart from each other (June, July and August).
The post-1968 generation of Democratic politicians made a calculated decision to abandon the values of the Old Left. Some of those “values” were truly abhorrent—there was certainly racism and sexism amongst their ranks, not to mention being rather pro-war—but it also meant purposely abandoning unions, the regulatory…
I was thinking the same thing—the U.S. is lucky to have lots of mobility options. Canada, though? Not so much when you consider the vast majority of employment is jam-packed into a tiny number of cities, all of which are expensive now.
I think the entire Anglosphere adopted metric imperfectly. Canada is largely metric, but you still mostly see imperial measurements related to food and cooking (including Fahrenheit oven temperatures), and people still talk about their height in feet and inches and their weight in pounds.
There are lots of websites/apps that give you an introduction to a language—Duolingo being my favorite—but it can be a real hurdle to advance past just the beginning if you don’t have native speakers around to practice with.
There are always going to be statistical outliers (i.e., the 115 year-old woman who smokes and drinks daily—never mind the myriad others who died prematurely from such a lifestyle), and there are never any guarantees (i.e., the marathon runner who gets cancer and dies at 50), but the majority of people who have a…
I mean, whatever floats your boat, but after a lifetime of eating food like this, it’s not as if you’ll statistically die early, but swiftly and painlessly. It’ll probably mean something long and prolonged—heart disease, obesity, a higher risk for diabetes or cancer, etc.—which will then lead to a creeping list of…
and anything else delicious
Sadly, the guest turned an opportunity to have a substantive, informative discussion into an obviously calculated personal insult campaign. We were disappointed in the segment and respect our audience’s time too much to consider airing it.
Telling people to stop consuming is like telling people to stop breathing—it’s just not going to happen. Knowing that people are going to consume, the question then is how to manage it. The EU seems to get it, but the U.S.. as usual, does not.
The ultimate solution is to mandate recyclable packaging and prohibit the rest.
The problem with population control is that our economic system is predicated on infinite growth. Many Western nations have managed to reach zero, if not negative population growth, and it is also seen as a crisis to be managed--Japan being the most notable example.
I mean, all politicians—even good politicians—put their foot in their mouth from time to time. We know that any final “Green New Deal” law won’t be banning cows.
I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that Nancy Pelosi is good at being, to borrow a term from parliamentary democracies, “the leader of the opposition.” In fact, I’d say that both Democrats and Republicans love opposing things and secretly hate being in charge, because it is much, much easier to fling mud, write shady…
I’d keep your mind at ease: American Democrats, by and large, are social democrats. Even folks like Bernie Sanders and AOC, who use the term “democratic socialism” liberally, are really social democrats. Elizabeth Warren, who is substantially similar to them, but still thinks that capitalism is worth saving, is also a…