I mean, I’ve studied enough psychology at this point that I can spot these people pretty much immediately—even their “strong first impression” can be quite off-putting, if you know what you’re looking for.
I mean, I’ve studied enough psychology at this point that I can spot these people pretty much immediately—even their “strong first impression” can be quite off-putting, if you know what you’re looking for.
One would almost think they’re not actually the “strong” men they portray themselves to be.
A word on Blender: they’ve been working on a massive update that’s going to change the interface up quite a bit, and they recently released its first 2.8 beta. New users might want to just start learning with the beta. Fortunately, Blender’s online community is very active, so there are probably new interface…
The “dignity of work” is a very Midwestern value, so he’s consciously making a play for Middle America with this language.
There are so many different methods out there, but no real hacks beyond working hard and applying yourself.
It’s a relatively new Taco Bell on an expensive street in Toronto. There tend to be a lot of short-term pop-up marketing stunts on Queen St. West that attract long lineups (there was a Kit-Kat pop-up shop a few months ago, for instance), so it makes some sense that they’d try this.
it will stand in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at 482 Queen St. W., right next to the chain’s flagship Queen West location
I’d see if there are any independently-run used book stores around you and inquire as to whether they’d be interested in what you want to sell or give away. Some may very well say “no,” but others might pick them up.
Oh, the neo-Nazis already have an offensive retort to that—they claim the ancient Greeks and modern Greeks aren’t the same people. The “white” ancient Greeks supposedly died out while being replaced by Greek-speaking outsiders through invasions. I’m sure they’d apply a similar explanation to Italy.
Well, of course, he considers himself “the exception”—“everyone else typing on a keyboard in a cubicle isn’t a real man except meeeeee”—as if he’s the only man in the world to go to the gym before or after work. Honestly, the cognitive dissonance of conservatism...
The irony, perhaps, is that David French from the National Review most likely wrote that typing on a keyboard in a cubicle. Does this mean he doubts his own masculinity?
I admit I’m bored with superhero movies too, although I won’t go so far as to tell people not to watch them (whatever floats your boat). It’s also worth pointing out that film critics bemoaned the arrival of “Star Wars” back in the day, since they felt it undid a decade of effort getting American audiences to watch…
I can’t watch any of his rambling, incoherent speeches, so I don’t. Whatever he says today, he can just as easily contradict tomorrow; and if, say, a really surprising spectacle happens, it’ll be all over the Internet, so you can catch it then.
The interesting thing about “fuck” is that it has basically been a profanity in English for as far back as we can find it—a profanity in Middle English and also a profanity in the dialectal North Germanic/Old Norse that we probably borrowed it from. The closest non-profane use we get is Dutch “fokken,” meaning “to…
I’m going to be honest: thinking we can do anything ambitious by only taxing “the rich” (thus implying only “other people”) is disingenuous at best.
Well, I searched for a news report from another station, and they seem to be using “Meng-ge-doh” (with a silent “t” at the end).
Or establishment Democrats are merely showing us their true colors.
I somewhat purposely avoided Teddy Roosevelt and the earlier 19th century Republicans, because American politics from this era are rather hard to compare to the politics of today.
Anyone who still calls themselves a republican has just outwardly embraced the fascism that is the core of republicanism since Nixon.
5G does solve a problem, just not the most obvious one. With greater speeds and very low latency compared to LTE, it’s supposed to be ideal for IoT devices, including self-driving cars. Cell phones, really, are beside the point with this next-generation network, and I would agree with the article that people shouldn’t…