
I had some relatively minor IRS issues a couple of years back. They send letters, and while you can call the official IRS number in response, they will only send more letters if they’ve decided that your issue is still an issue—usually weeks later, all done at the most glacial pace possible.

Frankly, Canada’s economy has not been doing that great. Unlike the stratospheric heights that the U.S. markets have reached over the last decade, Canada’s TSX has pretty much gone nowhere—and much of that weakness has been covered up by sky-high housing prices driven by low interest rates and high consumer debt, which

The entire system is basically designed to revolve around the Democratic and Republican parties. A truly fair, independent and non-partisan electoral system might open the door to a third-party—and they don’t want that.

I think a lot of the Paul brothers’ success comes down to being in the right place at the right time—their success started on Vine, which, despite the fact that Twitter never figured out how to monetize it, the community of “Vine stars” figured out how to do it for themselves really well from the very beginning. Lots

You’re correct here if you like getting all your news from the AP, but not so handy if you like to follow multiple/international sources of news.

This minimum wage hike is only in Ontario, not all of Canada, and Ontario’s ruling party is very close to the unions here, who are the organizers behind this activism. There also happens to be a provincial election this year, with the ruling Liberals who passed this minimum wage hike currently trailing well behind in

Frankly, I’d just assume that my passport should be renewed six months before the expiration date anywhere I’d go—a bit overboard, perhaps, but it also means you’re always covered.

The trouble is, once you start separating Paul out of the equation, you get a Christianity that more resembles Judaism. And hey...that’s fine too, if you ask me, but many modern and even liberal Christians also happen to take pride in the fact that they practice a religion relatively free of taboos, unencumbered by

When people in the West trot out “socialism,” you should probably just see it as shorthand for Scandinavian-style social democracy. Nobody, really, is interested in replicating an authoritarian regime like Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba, China and Russia—they always mention Scandinavia as the model. People just aren’t

I don’t know if I’m phrasing this well, but I feel like women allow themselves to have strong friendships and social circles, and thus can thrive without being in a long-term romantic relationship/marriage; whereas men often partake in shallower/transactional, activity-centric friendships that don’t offer the same

I think you’re being far too cynical, and if this is true? Well, you might as well just call it a day and prepare for perpetual GOP governance. Most of us, fortunately, aren’t about to concede defeat.

We’ve faced this kind of crisis before during the Gilded Age of the 19th century—in so many ways, we are repeating it—and eventually, it was defeated. We can defeat it again too, but it will take work. In the case of the 19th century, it took decades of sustained work and activism to usher in the reform-minded

Humans are not computers—there isn’t a simple “input-output” formula, where as long as you do “x,” then you get “y,” as expected. You have to be comfortable with fluidity and uncertainty—this is why social skills can be really hard work for some people.

Here’s the thing, though—if you’re bad at reading social cues and you’re making a major fool of yourself, it is only natural that it’s going to blow up in your face.

Many countries have mandatory retirement ages for their judges—around 70, typically. That could be an alternative to term limits.

So what’s the verdict on Windows 10? I’m quite comfortable on a PC environment—hell, I’ve even relatively comfortable with Linux, but certain key software I use is still not Linux friendly—but as bad as Apple is starting to become, I still hear horror stories about Windows 10 being overly intrusive, obnoxious with its

In general, I agree. The initial intentions may have been noble enough a millennium ago, but we even see in the secular world that there are circumstances where confidentiality should be breached in the interest of justice; the world is not the same now as it was 1000 years ago.