
The Midwestern mindset fundamentally revolves around individualism and hard work. The fear they have with Democrats is that the kind of work that they used to rely on to maintain those values—high-paying industrial and manufacturing jobs—are going to be permanently replaced with low-paying service jobs and government

Well, clearly, I’m advocating booting out the neoliberals and replacing them with progressive-minded individuals, much as the activists of the late 19th century did to end the Gilded Age and usher in the Progressive Era of the early 20th century.

Because the neoliberal core of the Democratic Party is unchanged, and they see leftists as a nuisance keeping them from their true masters of billionaire tech CEOs and Wall Street cash.

I think a lot of this becomes more apparent if you’re trained to identify narcissists and have strongly defined personal boundaries to help keep these people away. Cults are just a particularly extreme institutional example, with narcissistic cult leaders whittling away at any boundaries between themselves and their

Let’s start a new occupy movement, name it something catchy like “the people’s liberation army”. It worked once, it could work again.

Considering that the official Scouting organizations in the UK and Canada are already co-ed and have been for many years, there is definitely precedent for this move on their part.

Why do these right wing assholes keep trying to pretend these protections dont exist.

How you or I or anyone else’s words or actions are interpreted is always out of our control—intentions ultimately mean absolutely nothing. What one person considers “harmless” might be anything but to another; Harvey Weinstein is learning this lesson the hard way right now if his own words are any indication.

Fuck me, right?

We got to know each other, had tons in common, and before long there was a lot of flirting going on — mutual I might add, and nothing that felt like it was crossing a line.

I mean, it never really hurts to wait. You’re basically going from the most polished version of iOS 10 to the least polished version of iOS 11 (although now slightly more polished with v11.0.1). I usually wait until November to upgrade a major iOS version.

I respect your skepticism (if I’m interpreting your sarcasm correctly), but then the Southern Strategy is about that old too, which is going on as strong as ever. We’re still fighting the same cultural battles our parents and grandparents were, which is ultimately my point. This isn’t coming out of nowhere.

The thing is, if you look deep down enough, pretty much every country has protectionist laws like these despite the drumbeat of “free trade” and “globalism.” So if you’re a politician looking to repeal something like this, you’re going to have to deal with not only the lobbyists who will probably do a good job of

The only thing that comes to mind, though, is that there’s some precedent for his paranoia in TV history—the “rural purge” of 1971. That is, a bunch of otherwise highly rated shows popular in conservative rural America were cancelled by the networks to make way for new shows designed for more affluent/liberal urban

For whatever reason (primarily US income taxes), Puerto Rico has chosen NOT to become a US State - that is their decision. Don’t blame the Government for Puerto Rico’s failings as a state.

About a half hour or so of it leaked a while back. I can’t seem to find it at the moment (wouldn’t be surprised if it got DMCA’d), but from what I remember, it was less of a horrifying spectacle and more an issue of overall questionable taste, since, contrary to what we’ve imagined over the decades, his character

There’s a sort of historiographical fallacy, often referred to as “Whig history”, that presumes history is an inexorable march toward progress. The reality, though, tends to show that it’s more of a series of dips and rises, kind of like a rollercoaster.

Cats have the luxury of fur to cover all the wrinkles...

You have to remember that Seneca was an upper-class Roman who was the son of a wealthy statesman—that is, “Seneca” conventionally refers to Seneca the Younger, son of Seneca the Elder. Considering your average Roman inhabitant lived in poverty, it may be a tall order for Seneca’s ideals to live up to the average